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Nbra proposals

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  • Nbra proposals

    Just a reminder that all proposals for rule changes must be in writing PRIOR to the National meeting, Also the commissioners meeting will commence at 8am Saturday morning , General meeting to follow, all this after Friday night in the hospitality room where there will be free beer and mixed drinks, also soda for those not partaking in alcohol.
    You may submit any proposals to myself or Art Kampen via EMAIL, or hand them to us Prior to the start of the meeting . I have a new email for you that don't know it, jruthl77@yahoo.com, so far I have recievied only 1 proposal, and find it way to hard to believe that all you racers are so happy that you don't want any changes, or are you???

  • #2
    i have a idea that might work . maybe some one can tell me why doesn't nbara and apba have some type of agreement just like apba and c.b.f has .would it not beneficent both organizations ?. it would surly help that club that has apba and nbara member in there area to be able to race .and give support to that club that normally would only have racers from the one organazation. that would only be one advantage there are many more . we raced on the canadian border for years . and i will tell you with out the agreement between apba and cbf we would have had no races . and today it is still the same way . why can"t apba and nbara do the same type of agreement ?( just a thought. )


    • #3
      sorry about the misspelled WORD. i meant NBRA


      • #4
        I would think that the main reason is the insurance plans.. Plus the rules are different for NBRA classes
        Mike - One of the Montana Boys

        If it aint fast make it look good


        • #5
          Its not that we (nbra) hasnt tried


          • #6
            Jeff, please consult the 2013 Rule Book on pg BL-4, By-Law # 12 , the second sentance which states "suggestions may also be made at the annual meeting, either orally or in writing". Recommend that this rule be adheard to. Jack


            • #7
              I could be wrong but I think APBA does not honor CBF any more. Years ago Canadians would come to run our Nationals and CBF membership was honored. Now you can't even have a single event APBA membership to run Divisionals of Nationals.


              • #8
                The APBA and NBRA have had a combined race of sorts at the Winter National a few years back. If I remember right either card was honored at this race. What I would like to see happen and I have mentioned this before is a NBRA versus APBA race. Total up the points from each organization and see who has bragging rights. I believe this would spark a lot of interest.

                Larry Mac


                • #9
                  Jack , a suggestion is not a proposal


                  • #10

                    Hi Jeff,
                    Making progress with Wiseco. They are preparing an engineering drawing for the D pistons for approval and should have it completed in two weeks. I sent you a proposal on the Wiseco pistons a while back. Do I need to do anything else. I will bring a Wiseco 44 piston to the NBRA national meeting.



                    • #11
                      The portion of the rule book that I quoted is in the By-Law dealing with Procedures for Rule Changes. The first sentance states "Any member desiring a rule change must submit the sugested change in writing to the national office on or before October 1st . The second sentance has previously been stated which notes that SUGGESTIONS may be made either orally or in writing. The rule goes on to say" If the majority of those members present vote in favor of the rule change, it will be submitted to the racing Commission for their approval to be placed on the ballot . THEY MAY VOTE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROPOSED CHANGE". Looks to me that that makes a suggestion a proposal. Websters dictionary also use the two terms as pretty much interchangeable.

                      The point is that I believe the intent of by-law 12 as stated in the by-law is to allow suggestions/proposals for rule changes to be offered orally. Obviously,you do not see it that way so do it your way.
                      Last edited by Jack Stotts; 10-21-2013, 10:49 AM.


                      • #12
                        Jack I posted the same thing on the NBRA board. As long as I have been racing you can submit proposal or suggestion (same thing) at the national meeting. Going by the rule book we can do it again this year.

                        Larry mac


                        • #13
                          it sounds to me like these two organizations are kind of acting just like the democrates and republicans and this sounds just like politics . no one wants to sit down and talk about making the situation better between these two groups. to bad because this type of agreement between these to organizations would shortly benefit every one. do not want to start any problems between any group . just wanted to give some ideas to make racing more affordable and to have better turn out at racing events.


                          • #14
                            The way I see it is the cost of insurance is a big difference.. Our small group in Montana could not afford $4000 in insurance for one event and even a bigger group like USTS could not afford it either.. NBRA gives some of the smaller areas a chance to hold a event without breaking the bank and the rules are a lot easier to follow.. I race with both groups but the big difference is the cost of PUTTING on a race..
                            Mike - One of the Montana Boys

                            If it aint fast make it look good


                            • #15
                              Suggestions at meeting

                              I agree with Jack and Larry, at least that's the way it use to be.

