Located on the Wisconsin & Illinois border, just outside of Lake Geneva, Wis - Pell Lake is a small body of water that seems perfect for kneel-down racing. A wonderful race site in a great Midwestern lakeside neighborhood.

Badger State Outboard's very own Kip Trump, started Powerboat Days here in 2009 along with several taverns & business from the town. Powerboat Days was skipped in 2011 because of severe lake weed growth. In 2014 the town has finally secured a week cutting service that maintains Pell Lake.

Pell Lake is as much fun to race as it is to socialize, complete with four taverns within 100-feet of water's edge providing hot food and ice cold beverages. This course is medium in length, and has wide turns; great for full-speed lap driving. Plenty of hotel accommodations in nearby Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. (although pricey) There are plenty of attractions for the rest of your family during race weekend. A water-park is located 15 minutes north.

A cautionary note; as Pell Lake is located in a community, open alcohol containers are not allowed. All alcohol must be consumed in one of the local taverns, under wraps or completely off site.

Overhead Map of Pell Lake Powerboat Days
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