With a gigantic thanks to Theresa at hydroracer.net, our propeller fund is off to a great start. Theresa will be donating $250 towards our goal of purchasing 8-10 matched props for next year (and many years to come). Inspired by Theresa's generosity Moby Grape Racing will also be donating $100to the fund. Harry Pinner, who is giving us a great deal on these props is standing by to make more for us, so as soon as I get more money gathered up we'll get them made.
When you see the good folks from Montana or get a chance to give hydroracer.net a plug or some advertising, remember their support of the Novice C class.
When you see the good folks from Montana or get a chance to give hydroracer.net a plug or some advertising, remember their support of the Novice C class.
