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U I M - Fspa

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  • U I M - Fspa

    the fspa was founded as an official organisation accepted by UIM

    2) from 2010 on the "hydro gp worldseries" will replace the so called water festivals. hydro gp contains F125,F250,F500 each as a world championship series with 3 heats each race and every heat counts. drivers who like to compete in on of these classes have to sign in before the season and they have to attend at all series races. organisers have the possibility to let local drivers start at their races per wildcard.
    hydro gp will consist of 4-6 races a year

    3) a second series was created consisting of O-350 and OSY as a european championship series with 4 races a year with the known terms and conditions but also like in hydro gp there are 3 heats each race all to count.

    4) still there will be single day championships as followed:
    WC O700
    WC O350
    WC OSY-400
    EC O700
    EC O500
    EC O250
    EC O125
    with 4 heats and 3 to count

    5) to solve the calendar problems, the hydro gp and euroseries events will be allocated directly by UIM Cominsport and coordinated by FSPA, the other races will be allocated through the national authoritys for the dates still available.

    6)in near future new driver representatives will be elected, they will have more power in safty concerns.

    all of the decision have to be confirmed by UIM

    so far some basic information, the minutes of the meeting with more details will follow

    K A

  • #2

    When will this be presented to the UIM and the COMINSPORT?
    Fred Hauenstein


    • #3
      You can read more on formula series


      K A


      • #4
        Not Yet

        I believe the important sentence in the above is:

        "all of the decision have to be confirmed by UIM"

        Let's not jump to conclusions. This could be good or it could be bad. Much discussion and refinement of the idea will be critical if we implement any of these changes.

        COMINSPORT will meet May 16-17.

        Fred Hauenstein
        Last edited by Fast Freddie; 02-21-2009, 06:10 PM. Reason: left out important sentence
        Fred Hauenstein


        • #5
          what do the american drivers think about this world series? would they compete, would they like to have a hydroGP round in america? what are your thoughts


          • #6
            Don't Know Yet

            I have only heard from one USA driver so far. It was negative due to the travel (time and money) to compete for a WC. Having to compete in several races in Europe and maybe only one in the USA would make it hard for competitors, especially if they had to compete in every round to qualify for the title. And, if a round were scheduled outside Europe near the end of the series, only a few drivers would travel to compete, making the championship event a mockery. It may be best for these race series to compete for the European Championship.

            Just a few preliminary thoughts. More discussion is needed.

            Fred Hauenstein


            • #7
              How many European Drives made the the trip to Florida in 2008? How many USA drives came to Europe/Abroad in 2008-2007-2006-2005-2004 etc. In 6 years .....I can only remember 3 drivers (PRO) coming to Europe for a World Championship Race. Times have changed and travel is cheaper than ever, but it doesn't matter. Matter of fact.....It's probably cheaper to fly from Orlando to Berlin, than it is to drive from Orlando to Depue with a trailer???? For some reason the Europeans come to America when we host a World Championship race, but America's rarely travel outside the States to race. If an American Driver wants to compete in Hydro GP F125, F250, or F500 Championship Series, I'm sure they can find support in Europe! F1 and F2 are World Championship Series and do not race in the States, but American drivers compete in every race and are at the very top of the sport! Why shouldn't we move "OUR" forward? FSPA is the way forward for PRO racing in Europe.



              • #8
                Just Some Thoughts

                Originally posted by James Aderholdt View Post
                How many European Drives made the the trip to Florida in 2008? How many USA drives came to Europe/Abroad in 2008-2007-2006-2005-2004 etc. In 6 years .....I can only remember 3 drivers (PRO) coming to Europe for a World Championship Race. Times have changed and travel is cheaper than ever, but it doesn't matter. Matter of fact.....It's probably cheaper to fly from Orlando to Berlin, than it is to drive from Orlando to Depue with a trailer???? For some reason the Europeans come to America when we host a World Championship race, but America's rarely travel outside the States to race. If an American Driver wants to compete in Hydro GP F125, F250, or F500 Championship Series, I'm sure they can find support in Europe! F1 and F2 are World Championship Series and do not race in the States, but American drivers compete in every race and are at the very top of the sport! Why shouldn't we move "OUR" forward? FSPA is the way forward for PRO racing in Europe.

                As our US boat designs move towards those used in Europe and required by UIM, I believe that it will be more appealing to US drivers to travel to Europe. The divide in terms of boat requirements has been substantial. It will also help if more US PRO races utilized LeMans starts. Depsite the success of the 2008 Worlds in the US and those previously held, US clubs have not embraced LeMans starts.

                I would be interested in seeing UIM O class racing here in the US (a North Amercian Series). BUt, we must be careful not to dilute our participation too much.

                The economy in 2009 and probably in 2010 may cause many drivers to cut-back their travel and participation in 2009 and 2010. I look forward to seeing more "O" racing here in the US. I thought that Lake Alfred was a real success and provided compelling motorsports entertainment. Let's hope the US can land a couple more WC's in 2010. This could serve as the spring board for greater US particpation going forward.
                David Weaver


                • #9
                  We actually work on a direction change. There is an enquiry from a global sponsor. This partner demands, however, a world series. And then we need races in the USA and China, too.

                  The Demmler-Racing-Team would like already today to make an offer.
                  If the World Series should come, offer a cockpit for a pilot F-250 from the USA.
                  He receives boat, engine, transportation and support for a small rent.

                  Who knows us knows that I mean this seriously.

                  Greetings from Germany to the USA.

                  #53 Tiziano TROMBETTA
                  #86 Marian JUNG

                  #109 Rene BEHNCKE

                  #77 Manuel Zambelli



                  • #10
                    To all critics of the world series:

                    We have received 3 applications from U.S. drivers overnight.
                    These would like to start in the world series.

                    Fred, you don't protect the people who only talk and don't go to international races. Help the sports!

                    We had the idea to the "water festivals" in 2003. It was condemned. The drivers wanted to have it. The UIM said no for a long time. I have always said that is the future. Today it is in the rule book and this idea celebrates the UIM. Don't hinder the progress again.

                    I also was in Daytona last year. I saw a film for the history of the Nascar. One walked for a decisive step here sometime, too. Why do we always handicap each other ourselves?

                    I agree with James. He knows both sides.

                    And a wisdom from my job on it: DVD turns into Blueraydisc although there are blind men in this world...

                    #53 Tiziano TROMBETTA
                    #86 Marian JUNG

                    #109 Rene BEHNCKE

                    #77 Manuel Zambelli



                    • #11
                      If I were 20 years younger I would be all over this.

                      How exciting, let’s get APBA and clubs involved to facilitate helping with information, logistics, and maybe even monetary help. What could be better promotion than US drivers on a world stage? The biggest hurdle may be that some racers that would like to participate just don’t have any idea how to start the process. Some handholding may be necessary.

                      To start, perhaps it would be good to have US drivers just attend races in Europe to experience first hand what is going on. I’m sure James could always use some help in the pits. Can APBA arrange travel packages to some races overseas?

                      Can the USTS incorporate a WCS race into one of its existing races?

                      I have no idea whether any of this is possible but it sounds like our extended racing family is asking for support and it seems that this is an opportunity to infuse new interest in outboard racing within our own borders. This, obviously, will also gain the attention and much needed sponsorship of corporations that require global exposure.

                      The word of the day is global.

                      Gary Augustine.


                      • #12
                        I would love to go over seas and compete in 500. Obviously for me the biggest problem, other than getting used to another boat, is money. I find it hard enough to make all the races here in the states. Being a fireman doesnt exactly pay the best. Without the help of my dad I wouldnt be able to make as many races as I do. Also correct me if I am wrong, when the Europeans come over here to race do their sponsors pay for the trip? It would be cool if somehow we could send a couple of drivers per class over to compete. Maybe pick the top two or three in each class from the previous year. Dont know where the money would come from, maybe a corporate sponsor or somebody with deep pockets. Any thoughts?


                        • #13
                          Like Doug, I would also love to race overseas in 500. My father has raced many times over there in years past with great success. But, as Doug states, money would be the draw back. By no means am I as great as he was, but I still try hard and hope to get there some day. I think this is a great opportunity for all of us here in the US. I hope someone or a few will be able to take advantage of it for the betterment of all Pro racing.


                          • #14
                            International F-Series Boat Racing in North America

                            I think it would be great to have three or four F-125 and F-250 jetty start races conducted here in the US each year. Then we could conduct a joint F-series WC competition of both the continent's teams at alternating European and US race sites each year. This kind of event requires more than just a sponsor for US teams. I believe it would also require a US national "F-series Federation" to really make our participation an international racing events successful and be on par with a GP Motorcycle-style series. We have "factory teams" but much smaller funding sources than other world series style motorsports. The US sportbike folks brought internationall GP Sportbike Road Racing to Leguna Seca a few years ago, and the AMA still races Superbike events at Infineon Raceway across the Bay area on another date. We do not have a commercial market of car or motorcycle vehicle sales to piggy-back off of for public promotion like other GP series motorsports. Events like a world series racing venue need formal "event promoters" more like some of the tunnel boat classes and limited/unlimited inboard racing in North America.

                            Last edited by Al Peffley; 02-25-2009, 12:58 AM. Reason: typo

