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Nic Thompson Needs Your Help!

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  • Nic Thompson Needs Your Help!

    My son, Nic Thompson, needs your help. He’s at home recovering from two recent surgeries, which were a result of complications from his accident in 2004 when he flipped his race boat over backwards and broke his neck. Right now, he needs around the clock care and probably will for a good number of months. Friends and family have been helping him for the past couple of weeks, but we will need to hire folks to continue providing assistance. I’ve set up a web site, which tells his story and provides a way for friends to donate. All donations will go towards helping Nic recover and to remodel his home making it handicap accessible. The web site can be found at

    Nic and the entire Eldredge family appreciates anything that you can do to help!

    His mom,

  • #2
    Come on racers, let's help Nic. What would a couple hours pay hurt you, and how much good would it do Nic?


    • #3
      I urge everyone to give Nic some help. Make a donation, put the link on your Facebook page, Twitter, Let the world know.

      Tim Chance
      saint Louis, MO


      • #4
        Originally posted by T Chance View Post
        I urge everyone to give Nic some help. Make a donation, put the link on your Facebook page, Twitter, Let the world know.

        Tim Chance
        saint Louis, MO
        I agree with Tim, Help Nic and get the word out!


        • #5
          Come on racers, lets get with it. 440 views of this and if each did $10, what a difference. I have faith in each and every one of you.

          Bud Gann


          • #6
            Let's Pitch In

            I remember very clearly when, after my accident at Millville in 2007, the entire racing family joined in with cash and checks and cards. It was one of the most humbling and thankful memories in my life. Let's do the same for Nic.


            • #7
              I'm in for $50 as soon as I get back to the office. I want him back on the judges stand so I have someone to bust his chops. I never could before, but when he returns to his rightfully position of power, he'll be in a better mood and let one slide every now and then. Get well soon, my friend.


              • #8
                For Nic

                Guys, I am with Charley on getting Nic back on the judges stand, I need someone to give me those disqualifications so I can get everyone wired up like a two dollar clock.

                We are place on this earth, not as an island, but will be judged on who we are to our fellow man. This is the time, this is the cause for all of us to come together.

                This is a great racing family that has given much to the boat racing community, from his Grandfather, his Mother, Aunt, Brother, Cousins, and a whole host of friends who care about this family. It is up to us now to help them move forward and I ask each of you to look at what ever you can do to help. As Bud said in an earlier post, if we had all 440 that singed in would give a little it would go along way to help.

                Denise has set this up with a pay pall account so it is safe to use the site to donate. Let's all head over there and help out



                • #9
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                  • #10
                    Paypal is fast and easy. Thanks for setting up the account to help Nic.


                    • #11
                      Hello all, I was moved by Nic's story, and I am not sure that I have ever met Nic, but that's OK, I would like to donate all (not the profit) but ALL the money that is raised-bid-received by my store Boat City Prop Shop OKC,OK on the sale of one new 3 blade SS prop for a 25hp-225hp outboard (or a stern drive) I will start the bid at $50. If your personal boat, or a family members boat, or maybe even a clubs rescue boat, is in need of a propeller post your bid here, or just call me on my cell 405-306-4909 (Bryan) I will cover the shipping. If the bid deal is tacky, just call me and I will delete that part and we will do it via phone. I'm new to this sort of situation so I am not sure how to do this. (I am donating a pleasure boat propeller, not race prop, we have lots an lots in stock)
                      Last edited by propfxrO84; 12-05-2013, 10:08 PM. Reason: Pleasure not race


                      • #12
                        does anyone have nics address ? i think that some people would like to send him a get well card. and maybe put a check in it and maybe a christmas card also. chick


                        • #13
                          Agreed. Donated online but a mailing address would be better for the case of Bud Lights... Stay strong hoss! GL
                          Future J dad!


                          • #14
                            I just $50 via paypal. Please keep us posted.


                            • #15
                              Nic's Address

                              Here's Nic's address:

                              7902 Kenwood Road
                              Fort Pierce, FL 34951

                              Cards of encouragement would be great for Nic!!

                              Thank you.

                              Susan Eldredge Sailer
                              Susan Eldredge Sailer

