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K Pro Questions

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  • K Pro Questions

    With the pros coming to the northeast I am dusting off my 125 and setting up a K pro for Jack . On the K pro whay is the rule for the pickel forks ? ( tell it so a Maine'r can understand!!!)

  • #2

    Read in the 2010 rule book,page26-rule22-par A-1-2-3.


    • #3
      APBA 2010 SO/MOD/PRO rules pg 3 rule 22

      There's even a few drawings of the differant views. If you can't wait for the rule books in the mail , just go to the APBA download page and download the manual, hope it helps

      Don't laugh.....it's borrowed!!


      • #4
        Here is a link to the SO/Mod/PRO rulebook........

        It says the PRO section got updated 1/1/10.

        http://www.apba-racing.com/Forms/2010/010SOMOPRO.pdf <-----pictures on page 3 of the online rulebook

        Cut and pasted from the rulebook:

        22. Modified Outboard, Stock Outboard and PRO Hydroplane
        Pickleforks and Cockpit Noses

        A. MODIFIED AND PRO: On all MO hydroplane hulls built
        after October 31, 2007 and all PRO hydroplane hulls built after
        October 31, 2008, the foremost points of the pickleforks shall
        have a minimum radius of 1” in one view. This minimum radius
        shall extend at least 45 degrees to both sides of the foremost
        point. At 90 degrees to this radius conforming view, the foremost
        points on the picklefork will have a minimum thickness of 3⁄4”.
        This minimum thickness shall extend at least 45 degrees to both
        sides of the foremost point. (See diagram.)

        1). All MO hydroplane hulls built after October 31, 2007 and all
        PRO hydroplane hulls built after October 31, 2008 where the
        cockpit nose extends forward of the body of the hull, shall
        have a cockpit nose that conforms to the same requirements
        for shape as the picklefork foremost points described in
        paragraph A above.

        2) Half oval aluminum rub molding may be used around the
        foremost points of PRO and MO pickleforks and cockpit
        noses, provided the molding is at least 1⁄2” wide.

        3). Pickleforks and cockpit noses that conform to UIM
        specifications are also legal in PRO (See UIM SPONSON
        TIPS diagram).
        hope that helps

        302SSH.....Putting the Stock back in Stock Outboard


        • #5
          Originally posted by Fast Jack View Post
          With the pros coming to the northeast I am dusting off my 125 and setting up a K pro for Jack . On the K pro whay is the rule for the pickel forks ? ( tell it so a Maine'r can understand!!!)
          Hey Sean
          Guy's like you and your son are part of the reason Myself,Dave Jones ,Mike Schmidt are making the effort to have the race in Hartford . Its time for the northeast to be part of the best racing in the land.



          • #6
            Originally posted by raceright View Post
            Hey Sean
            Guy's like you and your son are part of the reason Myself,Dave Jones ,Mike Schmidt are making the effort to have the race in Hartford . Its time for the northeast to be part of the best racing in the land.

            Pat, IMHO that is exactly what this sport needs. people to go to the extra mile and put on races where they have not been for many years.

            "The Coffee Guy"
            TEAM CAFFEINE
            Cranked up and ready to Roll

            Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

            "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
            " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


            • #7
              Thanks Guys

              Ok a piece of 2 ' exhaust pipe 1/2 way around. Thanks . . Pat , I have been going to races based on if there will be a class for Jack to race. There have been some Vocal soap box cryers saying that we need new motors to get new drivers .. I think we need More LOCAL races, between SSOA and COA we now have 6 race weekends within 2 hours of the center of Region 1 .. Now with the PRO race and the new Middletown race we can race 8 race sights for 17 races and be home by 8 on Sunday night (in time for school Monday ). Thanks for all the work to get a new sight ( I know what it takes --- X2 . Some regions close to us only have 1 race , not a good way to get someone to spend 10000.00 on a new set up and have to drive 8 hours to race in another region. We have another " NEW" Racer coming to Stock in region ! .. we continure to grow ..


              • #8
                Originally posted by Fast Jack View Post
                Ok a piece of 2 ' exhaust pipe 1/2 way around. Thanks . . Pat , I have been going to races based on if there will be a class for Jack to race. There have been some Vocal soap box cryers saying that we need new motors to get new drivers .. I think we need More LOCAL races, between SSOA and COA we now have 6 race weekends within 2 hours of the center of Region 1 .. Now with the PRO race and the new Middletown race we can race 8 race sights for 17 races and be home by 8 on Sunday night (in time for school Monday ). Thanks for all the work to get a new sight ( I know what it takes --- X2 . Some regions close to us only have 1 race , not a good way to get someone to spend 10000.00 on a new set up and have to drive 8 hours to race in another region. We have another " NEW" Racer coming to Stock in region ! .. we continure to grow ..
                Gotcha in 125 lololololo

