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  • Usts

    What I would like every USTS driver and member to know, After working on the Worlds at Lake Alfred Gary and I didn`t have enough time to work on the Lake Wales race. But we had 2 USTS members that put up $5,000. Of their own money to sponsor the race and race for the kids came up with $2,500. more. Your board of directors have decided not to have a USTS race at that sight this year. So I guess I will put it this way after promoting 2 races for $15,000 each it is the last race we will ever promote for the USTS. I am happy for the organization that they have so many races they don`t need Lake Wales

  • #2
    Now we can have another underfunded race in Depue! No prize money, no tow money sounds great to me!
    Nic Thompson


    • #3
      Ice must be starting to thaw!


      Thanks for the update in the public forum.

      I'm in Germany on business and have been checking my e-mail for the last week. The interesting thing about it is that in the last week, or months I haven't seen one e-mail with a proposal for this race. Always lots of hearsay but nothing firm. The board of directors for this series votes on all races once something is sent in writing not the typical Florida process. Since I am a sitting board member I find it funny that I'm reading about potential sponsors for the first time on this website and we have approx. 45 days notice if that. If we are going to resort to this all I have to say it looks like racing in Florida still "status quo".

      Have a great week!

      Chris Hellsten


      • #4
        No USTS Races in Florida for Spring 2009


        I second what Chris says above. I am also a sitting USTS Board member and have not seen a written proposal for a race at Lake Wales or anywhere else in Florida.

        Nobody is more disappointed about the lack of a Spring racing week in Florida than the USTS board. The City of Inverness had to make a difficult decision to forego their event this year due concerns about the economy. We understand and respect their decision. We hope to get back there in 2010.

        Given that we could not put together a back-to-back Spring series and given no firm proposal for another race, it is a reasonable decision to table the Spring schedule. This is especially reasonable given the troubled economy.

        I will speak for the Board in saying that we hope to return to Florida in 2010 with back-to-back weekends of racing. The last three years have been great, the sites are solid, the locals are enthusiastic and the competition has been top-shelf. We are greatful to the many clubs and individuals that made these events such a success.

        More broadly, I believe that the difficult economy that will dominate 2009 suggests that clubs focus on quality of racing events over quantity of racing events for the coming season. Poorly attended events that lose money will not help anyone this year.


        David Weaver
        USTS Board Member
        David Weaver


        • #5
          Et Al

          I was not notified of anything being planned in Florida until 2 weeks ago when I started getting strange phone calls about a race in Florida. Bill you and I last spoke in November and at that time we both agreed that w/o Inverness and the current economic situation you did not want to bust your hump for nothing. I met with Tim, Tom, Bill and Pat at the meeting and we agreed on all points. They offered to call you since you where not able to make it to the meeting I am sorry if no one got a hold of you.

          1. The membership has not had enough notice.
          2. I started calling the big teams as soon as I got wind of this and no one is ready mechanically or financially. Last year wiped a lot of folks out and they are still trying to recoup.
          3. Based on the above point the turnout would suck and those generous folks and your hard work would be for nothing which than you would get pissed and quit.
          4. We are already working on 2010 and you knew that.

          Nic...."bud out" have no idea what we are doing for DePue or Winona so your negative and inaccurate comments are not welcome in this forum.


          Kristi Z-22

          PRO Commissioner

          APBA BOD

          "Ask not what your racing organization can do for you...Ask what you can do for your racing organization"
          Tomtall 06


          • #6
            So there is prize & tow money for Depue?
            Nic Thompson



            • #7
              Dan, Could you end this thread please? We don't need a public discussion of this nature on this forum. Thanks
              John Runne

              Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

              True parity is one motor per class.

              It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

              NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.

