I always wondered if anyone has developed a table of optimum dimensions for each class of outboard hydroplane (pro, mod, and stock) that we race. I realize that successful designs vary by size of driver, weight & power of motor, method of mounting the motor (clamp or bolt-thru plates), kneeler or laydown, sponson design, bottom design, structural materials selection, lift control characteristics, etc.; so I assume that each boat dimension set for a class has somewhat of a range of acceptable dimensions (including overall boat length.) Does anyone out there have a table of dimensions, by hydroplane class (APBA/UIM), for the latest hydroplane designs? I would like to use this table as a reference to either order a new boat or buy a good used hydro through this website. I am especially looking for dimensions data on the faster class mod and pro boats (hydros larger than the CSH/OSY classes, but not excluding C-mod). I would like to include cockpit dimensions in the table. Any help in obtaining or developing this "typical" mod and pro hydro dimensions table would be appreciated.
Al Peffley
Al Peffley
