How temperamental are the 102's to temp and humidity changes? I got out last week to do some more testing of props and I lost like 3.5 mph.
This was with a known set up and prop. The plugs look black now. Not the nice chocolate brown the did earlier this year. The only thing I can think of is a need to lean it out a bit do to it being warmer and the plugs looking rich. But a loss of 3.5 MPH seems king of a lot to me.
Hell Now I'm looking to gain 7 MPH instead of just the 3-4 I only needed a month ago.
I checked the compression and I have 140 psi on both cylinders. Any suggestions ?????
I can only get good water up to 3/4 of an inch bellow bottom and 1/16 tuck. Any higher and I feel the motor tighten up and loose power at the end of a straight. How high can you guy's run your 102's and still pump water?

I can only get good water up to 3/4 of an inch bellow bottom and 1/16 tuck. Any higher and I feel the motor tighten up and loose power at the end of a straight. How high can you guy's run your 102's and still pump water?