Could a weak rotor magnet be the reason I now have 3 stators that give (weak looking) sparks in open air but fire at best only one cylinder?
Who could re-energize rotors?
I already got new PVL ign coils. 2 of the stators only gave 1 spark with the old Motoplat coils, but then gave 2 sparks with the PVL coils. I thought that was getting me somewhere, but at run-time the sparks still are not strong enough to ignite.
Who could re-energize rotors?
I already got new PVL ign coils. 2 of the stators only gave 1 spark with the old Motoplat coils, but then gave 2 sparks with the PVL coils. I thought that was getting me somewhere, but at run-time the sparks still are not strong enough to ignite.