This post is meant to be innocent, I don't run D, do not plan to and don't intend to stir the pot - just want to learn.
1. What does a Dyno Test do?
2. How do I read the charts on the other treads about HP Curve and Tourqe. I'm interested in learning how to look at/read the chart. How are the points plotted, what does it mean and why are they significant.
3. What does it mean as far as speed and acceleration as the two lines rise, come close to crossing and then drop?
4. Could the same thing be done to compare two identical Yamato 102s to see which would be a better motor?
1. What does a Dyno Test do?
2. How do I read the charts on the other treads about HP Curve and Tourqe. I'm interested in learning how to look at/read the chart. How are the points plotted, what does it mean and why are they significant.
3. What does it mean as far as speed and acceleration as the two lines rise, come close to crossing and then drop?
4. Could the same thing be done to compare two identical Yamato 102s to see which would be a better motor?