With Thanks. The inforrmation arrived this morning triggering me to run out and buy a digital temperature reader with exhaust gas temperature probe. When just 50 degrees of hotter exhaust temperature can do a serious meltdown running Alky, tunning and reading the temps that way becomes a necessity, immediately. With the Anzanis, you basically opened the Vacturi between 1&3/4 to 2 turns and stayed on the throttle and read your sparkplugs. Getting a geared high speed needle adjuster rack and pinion kit for Vacturis still kept everyting KISS principled on the fly. This information is a whole new adventure and those brands of round slide and flat side carbs are very plentiful here. Be talking to you soon. Time is now to find and download carb manuals in a hurry, lots to learn soon.
I see racers are reading engine performance information on and from their laptops these days. Where does one get the computer software and hardware pickups to take and record engine sensored performance readings?