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The Bass Built "D"

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  • The Bass Built "D"

    Can anyone from the Stock Commision comment on this issue. Wasn't this engine to be dyno tested by Mike Wiendt (free of charge) with in 30 days of the conclusion of the annual meeting?

    Rumor is they refused to supply an engine, the test was to be done a customer's engine (Jeff55V). Since the "Deadline" has come & gone for the testing process to have taken place, what is the next step?? My ears are open...

    "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian

  • #2
    This issue was brought up at the last commision meeting. We are still looking for a motor to be dyno tested so the SORC has some data on its performance level. There was some concern as to who would be responsible for the motor if it blew up. The commision voted not to be responsible for it and that the Bass/Tahatsu manufacturer do what they agreed to in Atlanta and provide a motor for testing. This was a requirement so if the data recieved was in favor of the SORC that this motor be a legel D motor in 2006. From the conversation the SORC had at the meeting there has been some import problems getting this motor into the US and that is one reason it hasn't been tested yet. It would be very nice if Jeff let his motor be tested but it also would be his responsibily if the motor were to break. I know Mark Wheeler offered one of his Mercury 44xs to tested side by side. I don't know what kind of inventory the Bass/Tahatsu factory has. But I would think they might make a deal with Jeff that if anything happened they would back him and that way the motor would get tested. Thats were we are to date on the new motor. Mike Ross SORC Secratary
    mike ross


    • #3
      Still waiting

      I have agreed to have my motor tested for the SORC.
      My motor is in the first shipment of these powerheads from Japan. We are still waiting for the shipment to arrive. It could be tomorrow, or it might not arrive for another month. As far as I know, there are no other import problems.
      I think the actual deadline for testing this motor is August 1st. The annual meeting minutes on this matter read:

      When there is any new activity on this project, I'll let everyone know. You can also keep updated by visiting my webpage dedicated to this project. You can find it at:

      Thanks, Jeff Yungen.


      • #4
        Consumer Supplying the ENGINE??

        OK- Bass wants the engine he supplies approved...Why the heck does a consumer of his product have to be supply the engine to obtain performance data?

        Jeff55V- what happens if your new engine has some sort of malfunction during testing?? Probably will not have an issue but... If Mr. Bass wants his product approved- SUPPLY A ENGINE FOR TESTING !!

        "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


        • #5

          It is a legal engine currently being raced in Mod. FE, it is legal and I believe it is a legal D Mod o maybe probation this year, in for next year.

          In NBRA it is a legal engine to race, has been for years no matter who built it.

          For the stock in APBA, did the commission supply Hot Rod with any front money to developed new engines ? If so, I feel they should also fund the D stock project. I can't for the life of me figure out why a division would hold back developing new engines......... it simply dumbfound me. With as much money as there is available in the promotional funds I would rather not get NAC plaques or something and fund engine development.

          Look at Mercs, where do I find gears for the lower unit ? So far there is nobody producing them of any quality or availability.

          Personal Opinion, time to step up to the plate folks, and quit taking every pitch, start swinging. Without new engines your sport will die the slow death it is already suffering from.

          If boat racing is such a familiy sport, and everyone helps everyone, why is it that people can't communicate and accept the findings of another racer ?
          Dave Mason
          Just A Boat Racer


          • #6

            Thank you Dave Mason and Jeff Yunger. I want everyone to recognize that Jeff Yunger is doing everyone a great service. At this point nothing is warranted but there is no real concern. Bass machines will not leave Jeff out in the rain. Also, quality takes time, and that is the only way we do business. The APBA schedule has not been exceeded. Bass Machines is in contact with Mike Wienandt and when we have something to test, everyone will be notified.

            We have one engine currently racing in AOF, one sold to an NBRA racer, and one sold to Jeff. One more will be available when the shipment arrives. Any interest?

            Lastly, check Jeff's web site for current progress.
            Neil Bass


            • #7
              No the SORC did not fund the Hot Rod project at all. It is not their responsibility to help private manufaturers fund business ventures. If Mr. Bass wants his motor approved then the ball is in his court. The effort has to be made by him, not the SORC.
              Ryan Runne
              Wacusee Speedboats

              "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

              These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


              • #8
                Bass D Motor...


                I have talked to Sid several times and I am very interested.


                Dean Hobart

                Dean F. Hobart


                • #9
                  Don't Get Me Wrong...

                  I am by no means against the introduction of new engines to aid in the growth of the sport we all love.

                  This engine was "Probationary" last year...No engine testing/data has been obtained to date for the SORC to review. Once this is done & the SORC likes what they see then this is a done deal...it should become "Approved".

                  I'm still curious why a consumer is going to supply the engine for testing no the manufacturer?

                  Anxiously Awaiting DYNO Data!

                  "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bbackus17w
                    I am by no means against the introduction of new engines to aid in the growth of the sport we all love.

                    This engine was "Probationary" last year...No engine testing/data has been obtained to date for the SORC to review. Once this is done & the SORC likes what they see then this is a done deal...it should become "Approved".

                    I'm still curious why a consumer is going to supply the engine for testing no the manufacturer?

                    Anxiously Awaiting DYNO Data!

                    I have to agree with Brent here! Why does a consumer have to "volunteer" his motor to be the one tested? That is crazy!!! If the effort is there, then the manufacturer should be responsible for providing the test equipment, not the engine owner. So, if this engine does not stay together for the "testing", what doe he do for a replacement engine? Does he again have to wait for a replacement, which could take some considerable time to replace, as it sounds. This motor is supposed to be "available", but does not sound like it. I am in no way, criticizing the Bass unit, but this does not sound very businesslike. From the sounds of it, the Scott 44XS is the best way to go or...........find another engine that is more easily available......import/export.....that is crazy!


                    Team Darneille



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dave M
                      It is a legal engine currently being raced in Mod. FE, it is legal and I believe it is a legal D Mod o maybe probation this year, in for next year.

                      In NBRA it is a legal engine to race, has been for years no matter who built it.

                      For the stock in APBA, did the commission supply Hot Rod with any front money to developed new engines ? If so, I feel they should also fund the D stock project. I can't for the life of me figure out why a division would hold back developing new engines......... it simply dumbfound me. With as much money as there is available in the promotional funds I would rather not get NAC plaques or something and fund engine development.

                      Look at Mercs, where do I find gears for the lower unit ? So far there is nobody producing them of any quality or availability.

                      Personal Opinion, time to step up to the plate folks, and quit taking every pitch, start swinging. Without new engines your sport will die the slow death it is already suffering from.

                      If boat racing is such a familiy sport, and everyone helps everyone, why is it that people can't communicate and accept the findings of another racer ?
                      I hear ya Dave, but why is it that "the racer" is responsible for having his "personal" engine being the "test guinea pig" and not the manufacture or supplier???????


                      Team Darneille



                      • #12

                        The SORC directed the engine to be tested on Mike's dyno. Bass Machines was not asked to agree when the SORC made their decision. We do not need a dyno test, and we are selling equipment to other racers without a dyno test. We are not in the business of providing free engines, but we made a deal with Jeff. That arrangement is not open for discussion by everyone that wants to complain. Jeff is happy and will remain satisfied. Additionally, we are providing a free tower housing for mike to modify for the test, and a free drive shaft for Mike.

                        Our offer to deliver new engines in four to six months still stands. That is not an unreasonable time frame to import an prepare such a product. The market is extremely small, so like any business, we have limited our risk by not stockpiling multiple Tohatsu powerheads. When and if business is good, we may choose to have a few on hand.

                        We spent hundreds of hours researching engines, obtaining EPA approval, coordinating with Tohatsu America, and designing parts. That does not include the cost of castings and tooling. We have invested more than reasonably when you consider that the market might be 100 engines over a 10 year period. Seems to me that we are doing more than what should be necessary to provide a few stock racing engines. We are not getting rich on this agonizing venture. A pretty poor business, yes. Enough said.

                        Neil Bass


                        • #13

                          When are we ever going to get over the idea that Merc-OMC are going to supply us with race engines again. That day is long gone. The producers in the future will be people like the Bass, Selewach, Scott. I think we need to change our approach. These people need encouragment not obstacles thrown in their path. I know change can be painful. But if we do not wake up we could end up with no new engines, other than Yamato.
                          Art K


                          • #14
                            Obtaining Data For Engine "Approval"...

                            Neil- You say Bass Machine needs no dyno time to obtain data? Well if the data you obtain while Dyno testing is what the SORC wants before becomes an approved "D Stock" engine, in my eyes it is not needed but REQUIRED. I am not a Marketing Major but don't you think once/if this engine is approved for "D Stock" you will have more racers beating down your shop door?

                            I do not want you or anyone else who reads this forum think I am against the introduction of new or your product into our sport. The products you are currently are supplying are of great quality & appearance and I commend you for you hard work & efforts!

                            ArtK- I am well aware the major outboard engine manufacturers have no interest in the racing market...I work for one!

                            "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


                            • #15
                              bblackus17w, you missed my point, or at least I did not make it clear. My point was that the SORC wants the information. The factory test rates the powerhead at 50HP @5500 to 5800 RPM. NBRA and AOF found this to be adequate information. APBA wants to have more data. I think the data will help us and will help the class so we looked for ways to provide a powerhead without spending "extra" money the business does not have. (You can't imagine what is already invested in our main line, lower unit parts as an example. I'm sure Dave Scott can back me on the cost of parts.) We are not Mercury or OMC, and we can not compete with their history of giving away engines, and yet maintain competitive pricing. So, we found a solution that is suitable to all parties.

                              I sure hope they will be beating down the door, but my observation of the market says sales will be sure but slow. There are currently about 45 D-class racers in APBA. I doubt any or at least few will buy a new engine. I expect the sales to be with those looking to get into the class. Current sales and inquiries follow this trend. Boy, I hope you are right about beating down the doors.

                              Lastly, this is a quality product worthy of being mounted on our tower and lower unit. Parts are readily available at very good prices. I believe it will be a big boost to the D and FE classes.
                              With all Sincerity,
                              Neil Bass

