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Removing 102 Tower

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  • Removing 102 Tower

    Hey Guy's,

    It's getting time to drag out the hydro again, and continue where I left off on dialing it in. I would have done it 2 weeks ago, but I'm rebuilding my truck engine right now and the machine shop is dragging their feet, ... only 3 weeks past delivery date!

    Anyhow, I want to remove the lower unit to polish it up and clean the bejezzus out of the mounting bracket assembly. old grease, dirt, and what not. It's something I wanted to do since I bought the 102 but I wanted to get my hydro on the water first.

    The manual doesn't mention anything about the Tower but it does have the exploded view drawing. It doesn't appear to have any surprises, like loose bearing dropping on the floor or springs to come shooting out only never to be found again.

    My question is, does it come off as easily as it looks, or is there anything I should watch out for?


  • #2
    are you saying you want to remove the pin and separate the clamps and tower?
    If so you will need a sliding hammer. Remove the nylon screw and get a long bolt and screw into the pin. Attach the sliding hammer and go for it. I have had a few that just slip out then some were a real pain.
    bill b


    • #3
      Hi Bill,

      I'd like to disassemble the whole Enchilada. Separate the tower from the power head and disassemble the whole clamping assembly and clean her up along with the tower. She's gunna get a makeover.


      • #4
        Just polish it assembled. There's not much in the way
        Sean Byrne


        • #5
          I got the power head off and the nylon screw cap off, I need to go to the hardware store and get a bolt with the same thread. My slide hammer threads are no were near what I need.

          I am wondering, ... why is there oil on the top of the tower? It appears to be about a table spoon of 30w engine oil on top. ????


          It's much to grimy up by the power head for that.

          Attached Files
          Last edited by BillCNC; 03-28-2013, 10:27 AM.


          • #6
            102 r&r

            While you have the power head off check the alignment and height of the megaphone relative to the tower surface where the powerhead mates. Also check the alignment of the crankcase, block, exhaust manifold to be flush to each. See the manual and properly torque all nuts and bolts.
            "Keep Move'n" life is catching up!
            No man's life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session.


            • #7
              HI Pete,

              I did, but the picture also shows that I have a good seal.

              Any clue to the oil on top. I edited and posted a picture of the oil in the previous post

              Attached Files


              • #8
                That oil ,depending on where it is, may be from exhaust leaking around the gasket where the powerhead meets the downhousing or could be coming out the bottom seal on the crankshaft which is quite easy to replace if it is leaking. Since it's been a while since the powerhead has been removed, it may be normal accumulation after thre fuel it was mixed with has evaporated. Jack


                • #9

                  Look at the picture in post #5 for the oil location. It doesn't appear to be mixing oil, it' to golden brown for that and ha the consistency or 30w engine oil. Also, ... if it was fuel-oil mix, ... there would be nowhere for the fuel to evaporate to, it's a sealed off area.



                  • #10
                    Residual oil?

                    Humm, is it outboard oil, maybe from a poor crank case to block seal or the lower crank shaft seal is leaking?
                    "Keep Move'n" life is catching up!
                    No man's life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session.


                    • #11

                      I've never seen outboard oil that color. The picture is a little deceiving a far as the color goes. It looks a little browner than fresh engine oil. It' clean and completely translucent. I have only seen outboard oil in either, blueish, greenish or a reddish color.


                      • #12

                        Have you replaced the lower crank seal? OB oil will turn dark when mixed with deposits at the bottom of the crankcase where OB oil settles since a low area. Other than that I don't have any answers now.
                        "Keep Move'n" life is catching up!
                        No man's life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session.


                        • #13
                          No I haven't replaced the crank seal. I have only replaced the seal at the bottom of the tower and the one on the prop haft in the foot along with the big "O" ring. Do you think I should, or should I just run it awhile and then pull the power head and see if there is more oil?

                          Is there any harm in running a slow leaker other than an oil pool at the top of the tower as long as it's not running down to the foot?


                          • #14
                            That oil could be from putting the motor up for storage during the winter before you got the motor. Lots of folks wet down the cylinders before they put the motor away with just oil or LPS.. So bottom seal maybe leaking
                            Mike - One of the Montana Boys

                            If it aint fast make it look good


                            • #15
                              Ok, ... I got the tower off of the bracket assembly. I tried with a slide hammer, it was a no go. So I started to think, how can I get the most force, ... draw it out!

                              I took a small section of 1" square tubing an stacked a couple of washers on top of the tubing and tightened the bolt. I added 3 washer at a time and squirted BP into all the seam and holes, ... it came out with very little effort.

                              Attached Files

