I have some US-made grade 8 black oxide bolts that I am using to fasten my motor mount plates to the transom that are beginning to surface rust while my hydro is in my race trailer during fall-winter storage. I have been looking at LPS Labs MIL-C-16173D Grade 3/2 products for coating the bolts each winter (LPS-2 or LPS-3 surface lubricant). What corrosion inhibitor products do you folks prefer to use?
I cannot run a ceramic heater in my trailer where it is stored for the winter because there is no electricity available at my outdoor storage site. I have placed a Dries the Air plastic container with crystal spheres in the trailer each fall. What do you use to keep the humidity level down in your race trailer?
I cannot run a ceramic heater in my trailer where it is stored for the winter because there is no electricity available at my outdoor storage site. I have placed a Dries the Air plastic container with crystal spheres in the trailer each fall. What do you use to keep the humidity level down in your race trailer?
