This thread's scope is LIMITED to testing the Tohatsu in 750 MOD. Since the induction of the Tohatsu MD50 has been rejected by the MORC several times due to a lack of research, I propose to all that wish to see this changes, likely or not, to post here. This will serve as a forum for racers to conjure ideas, compare DATA (ie acceleration, top end, prop shaft depth, boat design specifications) to the modified 44ci Mercury engines.
On a personal note, the intention of this thread is to bring ALL discussion of the topic HERE, and not there (ie anywhere else). It has a simple title, and can be easily searched upon for later review. I have a feeling this will be important because the popularity of this thread will likely not get it on the front page week after week.
PS: Those who recently commented on "cleaning up our current mess" or something of the like in the 302ssH/R thread should bring their discussion of the 750 MOD topic here.
PSS: haha
On a personal note, the intention of this thread is to bring ALL discussion of the topic HERE, and not there (ie anywhere else). It has a simple title, and can be easily searched upon for later review. I have a feeling this will be important because the popularity of this thread will likely not get it on the front page week after week.
PS: Those who recently commented on "cleaning up our current mess" or something of the like in the 302ssH/R thread should bring their discussion of the 750 MOD topic here.
PSS: haha