Does anyone have any idea if this will work? Should I link the intake ports together? Will it run on gas? Progressive Linkage or all together??? Someone must of tried this?
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I think I've heard of him but wasn't that a six cylinder? Same deal on a four right? just two less cylinders. I ported the manifold out perfectly and used a six cylinder reed pettal to close the extra port. do you know if the motor you saw was gas or alky?Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.
You will want to utilize a progressive linkage such that the side carbs do not open until the front carbs are open full. Also, it looks as though the carbs are piston ported. We tried that on an alky 66 with mixed results. You will not want the side carbs to open until the RPM range is optimal for the side carbs to function, in their resonant frequency if you will...Also you will not see any real performance gain in the stock configuration. You will need to raise the exhaust ports to get more RPM. In a stock configuration the engine tends to have enough intake capacity. Will be more dramatic if utilized on a 44 or 66 than a 40 or 60 cu. in. Merc (same size reed blocks in each engine) Have fun experimenting! Just as an FYI, a 66 6 cylinder is almost exactly identical to a 4 cylinder 44. Just has two more cylinders (same goes with the 40 to 60).
-Paul Fuchslin
WOW, great info. How high would you take the exaust ports? Do I still have my choice of fuels or will this only work as an alky? If methenol is the only way is the stock compression ratio ok? This is a 44, assuming I get it running good what size boat would it be safe on?Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.
I would start with raising the exhaust .030" and go from there. Be conservative. As to gas vs methanol, both should work. Side carbs really came from a need when people were running these on alcohol. Because methanol uses 2 to 3 times as much fuel as gasoline, it is difficult to get all that fuel through the needle seats. You need more needle seats, so you add extra carburators, with the added bonus of getting a little more fuel in the crankcase. When I ran a 44 I ran it on a 13'6" CDF alky Desilva Runabout, which was a little big for a 44 but worked perfectly for the FE six cylinder. I would suggest a 13' boat (I can only speak to runabouts), but I tend to be conservative.
Paul is correct you do not want the side carbs to come open before 6800 rpm or engine will fall on it's face. Did you third port the engine? Third port is drilling thru the crank case on the fuel pump side and reed block to allow for piston port action, this will feed more air and fuel from main carb and reeds. you also need to address the fuel pump problem as the engine pulses quicker at high RPM the fuel pumps will become weak and not supply enough fuel at the top end, I would do a pressure system or elect. fuel pump.
I would stay with gas unless you can pad the heads, as fuel requires compression and between 12 - 16 ccs in the head. I would raise the exhaust .062 and do not raise the intakes, but round the top and bottom ports into the cylinder for flow. I would also put a flat reed on the back side of the plate at the intake port for the side carbs. Carbon fiber. i would also finger port the engine 2 per side top and bottom of cylinder, and drill 1/8 hole for feed thru piston just above wrist pin. If your going to use standard piston and rings your wasting your time as the rings will develope flutter at 7800 rpm and loose cylinder wall contact causing loss of compression and defeat your efforts. Speaking of exhaust I hope your going to put pipes on this engine. You can not stuff the intake side unless you allow the exhaust side to relieve the pressure and spent fuel. Good luck your in for alot of work but it will fill time in the winter months.Here is one we built in the NW.
WOW, that thing is cool. I'm having a hard time finding pistons. I do know a little about the third input or port...with the piston skirt activated port but I wasn't sure if doing that to this motor made gas out of the question? as far as finger porting goes, I'm lost. I have heard of it but I guess I just don't get it....yet.Last edited by Sonny; 11-18-2004, 10:02 PM.Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.
I would like to find a set of just stock. It would be nice to get a set that is still perfectly round. What are the options? gas or alky right? did anyone ever make a two ring performance piston for the 44's that would work with gas? maybe methenol isn't such a bad idea, are there any alky pistons out there??? Hey Sam, did mercury ever make a factory alky carb?Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.
Mercury had Tillotson make about 200 alky carbs for the Mk75H's. It was basically a KA with a KC nozzle. Many more racers made their own alky carbs (or had Quincy convert them) from Carter N's. Quincy used Carter N's over Tillotson KA's & KC's when all three types were available.
Turner and Wiesco made 2 ring and single ring "performance" pistons for alky racers, but there is nothing that would stop them from being used on gas; the crowns are not enough higher to cause any problems. Rather than higher, they are mostly different shaped. Compression was raised with welded in pads, not special pistons. Ted Miller in Florida will screw in pads that will probably fall out for $50 a cylinder. I guess you could pay Ted $200 and then have them welded.
Finding usable used alky Merc stuff is pretty hard. There is a pair of smaller 10/40/60 alky pistons on eBay right now, but I think one of them is junk. Stock pistons for 44's are still available from Merc.
Turner pistons 44 merc
I have 6 Turner pistons new with rings, for 44 merc. There also is Bruce Summers in the midwest that is going to make single ring pistons for the 66 cu inch 6 merc (fits 44). We made our own pistons for the engine pictured above with 1 mm single rings for high RPM. I do not have any left but we do have the molds for the castings.Last edited by hshawwpba; 11-22-2004, 09:53 PM.
Didn't the 44xs come with 2-ring pistons?
I heard they are still avail. Was going to try a pair in my 25SS.
Would the Turner/Summers pistons work on gas in a 25SS/Parker pipe for 25MOD? Might be interested in two if other fella wants four.
19PLast edited by STEVE FRENCH; 11-25-2004, 09:43 PM.100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >>
SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!!.............100N>>
Evrey 44 I've ever monkey'd with had three ring pistons in it but I was told to leave the last ring or bottom ring out. I think some of the aftermarket pistons like weisco, and turner had as few as one. as I recal they are known as L ring pistons. And yes, they will work on gas, as long as you'r block is not padded, or squashed to increase you'r compression. I am certainly not the formost athority on the subject but I have been doing a heck of a lot of reserch lately and that seems to be the popular consensis.Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.