First off, hello and all that. First post here but no stranger to the boating forums.
I do not have a hydroplane but I do have a pretty fast little tunnel hull boat. It is a 13' Biel full tunnel with a 130hp Yamaha. I presently have a Bobs nosecone/lwp but I am losing water pressure and just tired of re-epoxying the lower unit.
I have decided to try a transom mounted low water pickup. I have searched around the net and presently have a thread going over at but there not much info out there. I was thinking that you guys probably run these and may have some thoughts.
I just finished mounting a Bobs Machine adjustable pickup. If the wind allows, I will make some passes this weekend with the pickup not plumbed but just want to see how it effects speed and handling before proceeding.
My initial thought was to reduce drag I would mount the pickup a little high and grind a small "ramp" into the trailing edge of the hull just in front of the pickup to feed it water. I modified the mount to hold the pickup tube flush against the transom.
I plan to plum the pickup straight to the existing fitting for the bobs nosecone at the water pump cavity.
I know there will be some trail and error with height but any advice on how to adjust this pick, modify its shape, etc. are appreciated. Pics of your setup would be great.
My goal is 85mph and I have run 82.6mph so far. I think a little more engine height will get me there.
Heres the existing thread at S&F:
A couple videos of the boat. Took one video using a waterproof camera of the lower unit losing water pressure that came out real nice. I had raised it another 1/4" for this run and lost pressure at 78mph.
I do not have a hydroplane but I do have a pretty fast little tunnel hull boat. It is a 13' Biel full tunnel with a 130hp Yamaha. I presently have a Bobs nosecone/lwp but I am losing water pressure and just tired of re-epoxying the lower unit.
I have decided to try a transom mounted low water pickup. I have searched around the net and presently have a thread going over at but there not much info out there. I was thinking that you guys probably run these and may have some thoughts.
I just finished mounting a Bobs Machine adjustable pickup. If the wind allows, I will make some passes this weekend with the pickup not plumbed but just want to see how it effects speed and handling before proceeding.
My initial thought was to reduce drag I would mount the pickup a little high and grind a small "ramp" into the trailing edge of the hull just in front of the pickup to feed it water. I modified the mount to hold the pickup tube flush against the transom.
I plan to plum the pickup straight to the existing fitting for the bobs nosecone at the water pump cavity.
I know there will be some trail and error with height but any advice on how to adjust this pick, modify its shape, etc. are appreciated. Pics of your setup would be great.
My goal is 85mph and I have run 82.6mph so far. I think a little more engine height will get me there.
Heres the existing thread at S&F:
A couple videos of the boat. Took one video using a waterproof camera of the lower unit losing water pressure that came out real nice. I had raised it another 1/4" for this run and lost pressure at 78mph.