ok things were going great. i was doing my fastest times (although still not quite where i should be. 57.2.. also being a marathon csr) and then... something happened. i had made some carb adjustments and things were doing fine. just the main needle. i had worked out to 40-41 clicks (from the 38 i had originally been running) to help with some slight "bogging".. i was running great and starting to figure out where the power was and then noticed after i turned around once and went to get on the throttle that i started really slowing down (nothing was changed from doing well to doing terrible because ti happened in the water.). my gps clocked me at about 45mph top speed achieved!!! i tore the entire fuel supply apart thinking something there. clean and no vac locks. i checked the bottom of the banjo nut to see if there was anything in the float on the carb.. spotless. i reset back to 38 clicks, refueled and my gps said 47.4 ( im attributing this to the calming of the water... it was fairly rough today)... im at a loss..i checked the mag.. hadnt moved still int eh same place. i checked the plugs as well. neither looked fouled and both looked good (and are brand new with about 5 hours on them)..
.. other than the clicks out (that were reset to 38) i have changed nothing at all. i came back and refueled with the same fuel i had been using all along (93oct mixed 24:1 with valvoline 2 stroke mix... the same that ive been using since i got the boat.. even from the same station)... thanks for any pointers and sorry to bug you guys.... AGAIN.. but im getting stretched thin my whole racing fantasy...
