I am thinking about changing the expansion pipe control systems on my two 250cc PRO hydros from a straight mechanical cable system to an assist system. Does anyone have a parts list (with hardware sources) and/or any digital pictures to share of your sliding pipes control setup showing how I could install a gas-assisted pipes control system? I like a foot pedal-controlled system, but I am open to any other good activation control ideas that could incrementally actuate the pipes into the pulled position. I have used an old-style, aluminum throttle hand control pull lever (I still own one) in the past; I have ceased to use that method because it usually results in too much painful stress on my left throttle hand muscles by the third lap (and it is too large to integrate with modern laydown hydro hand throttle setups.) I also prefer a separate hand throttle control lever over a combined foot throttle/pipe control system. Thanks for any help that you can offer.