The HP vs RPM read got me thinkin in another direction, getting around the course consistently. Being new & still chasing the pack, I exit a turn, look 1st for the next bouy & the clearest track of water to its proximity. [I hope to add traffic to that someday] Then on approach to the next turn I draw the boat in at speed dareing myself to hold throttle thru-out & hope to get the even smooth sweep I see other drivers achieve.
What happens is as I approach the last pin I tend to need to finish that turn asap. I had to turn 'right' to swing around a dock I overshot at Millville's turn 2. Maybe Im being 'chicken' to set the turn up enough early.. Ruff water is a factor, backing off the hammers sure not working! Anyway.. I think stop-watch laps would be interesting & would vari alot. At the end of the day Im thinkin how it turns out for ya is it.
What happens is as I approach the last pin I tend to need to finish that turn asap. I had to turn 'right' to swing around a dock I overshot at Millville's turn 2. Maybe Im being 'chicken' to set the turn up enough early.. Ruff water is a factor, backing off the hammers sure not working! Anyway.. I think stop-watch laps would be interesting & would vari alot. At the end of the day Im thinkin how it turns out for ya is it.