Stock Outboard recommends reinforced cockpits (Safety Rule 24B). I plan to use a composite with wood outer skins and a core material (foam, honeycomb or balsa end grain). Based on the recomendation I will add a layer of 5 to 6 oz. Kevlar. Here's my question. Will I experience problems cutting out a lightening hole or access hole in this panel after it's been layed up? What's a good tool or method to use when cutting the holes in the panel? Mainly I'm concerned about the Kevlar. If I used a router, will the Kevlar grab? Is there a preferred blade type to use if I use a saw?
I should clarify that I would prefer to make the panel first and then cut out the lightening or access holes.
I should clarify that I would prefer to make the panel first and then cut out the lightening or access holes.