Looking through some of dads old stuff, I see Pep Hubbell made a set of reed plates to fit OMC 36 cubic inch 25/30 HP engines. He took the standard factory casting for the port cover, then adapted a two finger style reed. The factory carb hole was plugged with a plate and dual carbs, one for each cylinder were used.
Seeing several versions of 36 cubic inch rat motors out there, one being my dad's who welded side by side carb mounts on the stack manifold, this set up claims to give 7-10% more punch than stock and looks like it made a whole lot more sense.
Now the question....Does anyone remember those in action, or harder question, does anyone have a set of them collecting dust?
Rumor had it someone bought most of Peps stuff for the 4-60's when the became obsolete and I often wondered how much is still floating around.....
Seeing several versions of 36 cubic inch rat motors out there, one being my dad's who welded side by side carb mounts on the stack manifold, this set up claims to give 7-10% more punch than stock and looks like it made a whole lot more sense.
Now the question....Does anyone remember those in action, or harder question, does anyone have a set of them collecting dust?
Rumor had it someone bought most of Peps stuff for the 4-60's when the became obsolete and I often wondered how much is still floating around.....