ok first off im new to the OB racing scene. im in the class c runabout with a yamato 302. i bought my boat, motor, steering and throttle assembly right out of the water after darrel sorensen got done running the top o michigan marathon (please note that this motor ran fine when i got it from him too). ok now for my problem. on day 1 he had epox from his fuel tanks take him out of the race (gummed him up). day two he switched to a plastic tank in the cockpit with him and did just fine. the motor ran strong when i got it from him. we put it on my trailer and drove 6 hours back home to the UP (possibly jarring something in the carb???). i went to put the boat in the water for the first time 2 days later and had my gravity feed tank leaking. so trying to just bypass the problem i ran my 'out' line from my pump directly to the carb. well this worked great for about 1/4 mile . i got a vacuum lock and was forced to call it a day. after repairing the leak in my tank i had good fuel pressure to the carb the following day. i warmed the motor a bit on the trailer just before putting her in (ran fine). but when i got in the water and gave her a yank and jumped on the throttle to plain, all i did was sputter, bog, and eventually crap out. so i pulled her out (with a great deal of coaxing to get back in). checked for a dead cylinder. both good. good fuel delivery (no lock, was fixed when i put the gravity tank back in), threw new plugs in her thinking she was fouled, nothing ran just the same. great on land, terrible in the water. both kill switches were in and snug and my throttle seemed alright (still set where darrel had her for the races). i even pulled the head to see if i had blown a gasket and was getting water in there killing a cylinder. gasket was good. ive called darrel sorensen back quite a few times lately and its really difficult to trouble shoot over the phone (not his fault, hes been more than willing to help). is there anybody out there that has experienced this same problem? or are there any UP michigan racers that are close to the houghton/ hancock area that are willing to help. the boat ran fine when i got it, ran fine until the vacuum lock kicked in all the way and after that hasn't run well at all. im back to the same fuel setup that darrel used in the marathon on day two. coincidence to the vacuum lock that i created by bypassing the gravity tank or did i actually mess something up? if it would be easier to talk over the phone feel free to call my cell anytime. 231-881-4864. any and all help is appreciated.
