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Wanted: Formula A motor race ready

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  • Wanted: Formula A motor race ready

    I am looking for a formula A motor, race ready, would like electronic ignition, and possibly blueprinted, I have steering bars, but if they are included thats ok. please help the new guys out!

  • #2
    I might be able to help ...

    Untethered from reality!


    • #3
      Check with Joel Brown. Their stuff is top notch.



      • #4
        ive got a formula a motor built by ed runne with steerng bars and everything ready to race just slide it on a boat $2300


        • #5
          I am interested

          If you can give me more info on the motor, I want to talk to mossy rose about her rig, but if that doesnt work out, I will get back with you, Thanks!


          • #6
            Now I really need to talk!

            I just saw that mossy rose sold her stuff so I am really interested.


            • #7
              Formula A?

              Does anyone even run this class any more? Besides at the Nationals that is. I haven't seen this class run a non-nationals race in years. Not sure it is the class I would invest money in, especially if I was a newbie.
              Ryan Runne
              Wacusee Speedboats

              "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

              These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


              • #8
                Try to be a little more encouraging to a 'new' racer. It is certain that nobody in N. Carolina runs FAH but if you look at his webname you note that "12H" probably means he lives in Indiana. The Indiana Outboard Association races FAH at ALL of our club races and we are hosting the 2007 Mod Nationals this year at Zanesville. A new racer will have at least 4-5 opportunities to race just within our club this year. Add in some opportunities with TRORA and he could get some good experience. Please don't sabotage an engine sale or dampen the new guys chances to start racing with negative public comments. He may not race FAH forever but if he doesn't start somewhere, he won't race at all. Mike Marshall, Raceboat61-S


                • #9

                  If someone is telling this guy that investing in Formula A is a good investment as a new racer, then he is being fed a lie. I want this guy to know that he is looking for equipment in a dying class. Too many people get into this sport and get sold crap, or equipment for dying classes, and I am tired of it. You want me to be encouraging? I am not going to encourage a guy to spend 2500 on a motor for a dying class. I am not going to be part of the problem. He should be looking for an A stock motor, so he can run A and AX, any time he wants, anywhere in the country. And if need be, be able to re-sell that motor, because if he quits, chances are nobody is going to buy his Formula motor, because there is no demand. We need to be looking out for our new guys. If he still want to get into Formula A with all this information then that is fine, but he should know the truth.
                  Ryan Runne
                  Wacusee Speedboats

                  "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                  These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


                  • #10
                    Buy an 'A' stock...

                    Especially when the "stock" version is also legal in mod.

                    It makes no sense to buy a Formula 'A'. You are locked into 2 classes for no reason.

                    You can take a good 'A' stock and be very competitive with the few Formula 'A's that exist at local races.

                    Plus, as Ryan said, you can race A stock and AXS.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dholt View Post
                      Especially when the "stock" version is also legal in mod.

                      It makes no sense to buy a Formula 'A'. You are locked into 2 classes for no reason.

                      You can take a good 'A' stock and be very competitive with the few Formula 'A's that exist at local races.

                      Plus, as Ryan said, you can race A stock and AXS.
                      So, should we (those of us that still have FA's) be asking the SORC to allow us to run ASH/ASR/ASX with our FA's rather than trying to scrounge for parts to de-modify the engines? Or, should we be proposing that the SORC, for parity purposes only, allow all current stock OMC 15 engines to be run with the same technical allowances we give to the FA's?
                      Untethered from reality!


                      • #12
                        Option #3

                        Or just wait until the new SW A motor comes out in 3 yrs and all the OMC's will move over to FA when they can no longer compete (since the new engine will need to be the engine of choice eventually). This should provide a 2-3yr segway where the new motor can gain numbers and the old motor can fade out of Stock.

                        And no, I am not being ignorant - this is what should of happened in 85 when the Merc was dumped for the OMC. However, at that time there was not a home for all those Merc's and they went to collectors, basements, ponds and the dumps.

                        This has the look of a happy ending for everyone involved. A place for the old engine to go without too many issues or the creation of more classes and a home for the new engine.
                        Brian 10s


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Brian10s View Post
                          Or just wait until the new SW A motor comes out in 3 yrs and all the OMC's will move over to FA <snip>
                          ...This has the look of a happy ending for everyone involved. A place for the old engine to go without too many issues or the creation of more classes and a home for the new engine.
                          Brian, great points but why wait? If we simply allow all current OMC "A" stock engines to be modified to what is currently allowable for the Formula A motors we can achieve several of our goals.

                          First, we get rid of two classes (FAR and FAH)

                          Second, we have a place for all of the Formula engines just sitting in garages, shop, trailers etc.

                          Third, we can create an opportunity for new "A" records to be set since all "A" records in existence at the introduction of the SW/A will most likely be "frozen", archived or whatever they call it. (Hey, more HOC point opportunities for someone )

                          Am I correct that technical rule changes don't need to go to ballot?

                          Can the SORC make this type of change mid season or do they have to wait until next year?

                          And, what exactly are the differences in allowable engine modification between "A" and "FA"?

                          If we've been down this road before ... my apologies!
                          Untethered from reality!


                          • #14
                            Speaking for IOA

                            I didnt mean to cause a dispute but IOA races do not always run stock classes, we are more mod oriented, so I am putting together a rig that I can run at all IOA races. And I am also building an AXS motor to run two classes, not to bad for a 2nd year racer! I ran AmodH last year with a borrowed KG4 and I was named the '06 APBA modified rookie of the year. So this year I am trying to put together some motors to run competively with the boat that I have and see what happens.


                            • #15
                              In that case, more power to you. I just wanted to make sure that you knew what the situation was with that class, and that someone wasn't giving you some bad advice. Good luck.
                              Ryan Runne
                              Wacusee Speedboats

                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                              These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.

