- 102 modified
- 80 modified both prepared and maintained by Bob Goller, located in north east florida. If interested E Mail to mkboatracing@aol.com or text 9142624409 I will answer any questions you may have.
Also for sale
- stock 302 yamato drive leg with exhaust pipe, no clamps or saddle
- stock 102 yamayo drive leg with exhaust pipe, clamps, and saddle
Thanks for looking
- 80 modified both prepared and maintained by Bob Goller, located in north east florida. If interested E Mail to mkboatracing@aol.com or text 9142624409 I will answer any questions you may have.
Also for sale
- stock 302 yamato drive leg with exhaust pipe, no clamps or saddle
- stock 102 yamayo drive leg with exhaust pipe, clamps, and saddle
Thanks for looking