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need idenfication hand throttle

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  • need idenfication hand throttle

    can anyone tell me is this a keller hand throttle?

  • #2
    Looks like an old Atwood to me.


    • #3
      thanks for the reply.


      • #4
        That is the older style Yamato throttle


        • #5
          Looks like an Atwood, because a Keller has the stationary handle wrapping around both sides, making a 'U' shape. This is open on the port side. There should be an aluminum plate over the inside side of the throttle. A Yamato is a rectangle shape and black crinkle finish from what I have seen, with 'Yamato' cast into the side. However, the Atwoods' I have seen have their name casted somewhere's, maybe the moveable handle. Of-course there have been many copies thru the years. Most major manufactures have their name casted in the product, but not always true; sometimes depending on year of production. Most Atwood's I have seen have a red crinkel finish, but again it might depend on production. Hope this helps.


          • #6
            csr4c and R.C hawie .... this throttle i bougth it from a stadium racer in japan. i just wonder is a this a older yamato throttle or the guy bring it from the state.


            • #7
              I use to own 2 of the Yamato stadium racers from Japan. I am not sure of the vintage, most likely used the Yamato 80. They came with the cast steering wheels & blue throttles as in the above pictures. I replaced them with the newer black ones. Tom Ige may have brought some of this stuff in. I sold the boats to Ron Hill

