Originally posted by Mike45
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He takes care of Mine and Archie's Hot-Rod foots and Archie's three 25SS foots when we break them
I do my own Merc foots...........
You will push lube out the top driveshaft seal also if the foot fills from the water pump cartridge seals leak'n into the oil and making it a milk'y froth.........With one of mine I suspect the square O-ring to the L-ring on the gear side of the water pump and how it might be leak'n past the housing if the housing bore is scratch'd. Hence MY think'n (cyfer'n) of use'n a wheel cyl hone in the Square waterpump seal surface in the case bore..........
Personally, I stay away from the white gear grease with the think'n being that under race conditions, the thick grease will push off the gear teeth faces and any water will wash it away for sure......(In my "pee-brain" opinion-Mr. Fry quote)
I use a blend of synthetic Advance Auto Part's 80W-140(?) gearlube and STP in a 50/50 ratio with the OPINION being that it will not wash/push away from the gear contact faces...............and flush after each race final..............and let drain between weekends.
For the prop shaft tail cone I take the old bush'n type cone and ream/bore them for the GB-98(?) needle bearings(new style/caged needles, they have a seal in one end>ask at Erie Bear'n Supply,east twelfth st, Erie), and drill and install/countersink a cup type, u-joint, grease fit'n(check NAPA and Erie Bearing Supply) and drill a 1/8" passage between the bearings in the cone O/D. Then you can use a needle point adapter to your grease gun and synthetic grease. Takes 10 seconds to service the tail cone without remove'n and saves wear-N-tear on the threads!!
In a water tight Hot-Rod or OMC gearfoot I use ATF.
Tell Mr. Charlie Fry......"luv YA".....and...."Better than I deserve!"..........