Bell sport mag sa2010, factory painted orange. size large 7-1/2 to 7-5/8
I bought this helmet with the intent to use it this season but due to work constraints and a recent injury, racing is not in the cards. this helmet has never been worn only taken out of the box to take the pics. comes with the box, manual, decals, and helmet bag.
sells new for $230, id like $175 shipped. Cont. US only please
you can message me here or call at (785) 341-7963 (leave message if no answer, i will call back)
Daniel Hooten
I bought this helmet with the intent to use it this season but due to work constraints and a recent injury, racing is not in the cards. this helmet has never been worn only taken out of the box to take the pics. comes with the box, manual, decals, and helmet bag.
sells new for $230, id like $175 shipped. Cont. US only please
you can message me here or call at (785) 341-7963 (leave message if no answer, i will call back)
Daniel Hooten