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  • Want to buy

    I have sold my boats and I do not have good middle of the road CSH props. I would like to buy two middle of the road DeWald props for these guys. These guys are newbes so I want to give them a fighting chance. I would like to thanks everyone who help put these deals together. At this time I think I have every thing sold that I have listed at this time. I will have a list of parts, ect. in the next week or so. You Y-80 guy I have not for got about you. Give me a week or two. Thank you very much for all the help. In this sport you meet a lot of nice people, but I have never thought much about the people you meet on HR that you never really meet that feel like they know you and will help you out by making a phone call or two it really make a big difference in trying to move as much gear as I did. Thank you HR. Your money is coming MIKE. Thanks again Steve August stevenaaugust@hotmail.com QUINAULTRACING 22-R, 12R, R-3