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Wlodarski, Peeters, Allen and Feamster all agree

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  • Wlodarski, Peeters, Allen and Feamster all agree

    The reviews keep coming in for THIS IS HOW WE ROLL. Here's some of the latest:

    "just got the book today it is awesome nice job" - John Wlodarski III

    "Already got mine. Pretty sweet." - John Peeters

    "Great book first of all, I got to check it out the other night when I stopped by my dad's and you got some great shots in there." - Donny Allen III

    "it's been a struggle for the family this year during the Great Realignment and I've spent more time with my brothers on the family business in California than I have with FOS here in Washington, leaving no time to follow national boat racing events as I have in the past. Your book has filled that void for me. Please feel free to share my compliments on "THIS IS HOW WE ROLL" with the internet racing community (I stay out of that insanity - as my father often said - "old grandfather Adolphis is rolling in his grave"). " - Bob Feamster

    But, don't just rely on these endorsements. Pick up that keyboard and mouse and order your copy today!


    Order by Thursday to assure delivery by Christmas with ground UPS shipping!


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    "No, THAT is why people hate him."

  • #2
    Deadline approaching

    Just two more days to order for ground delivery by Christmas!


    "No, THAT is why people hate him."


    • #3
      If they say it, it MUST be true
      "I don't want to just live life, I want to live an extraordinary life." - Kevin Ladd

