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Looking for KG7 standard lower unit racing props

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  • Looking for KG7 standard lower unit racing props

    I recently bought a 93 lb used Austin copy AB runabout and a couple of KG7 standard lower unit motors. Can you suggest a source for propellers suitable for this motor? In the 50's we used Oakland Johnson brass props. I Cannot remember the preferred diameter and pitch. I know the transom needs to be jacked up to about 17.5 inches to start. This setup will be for recreational use. The boat will also be raced in AXSR, JR and ASR with an Evinrude.

    Any help on source, size and pitch would be appreciated.

    Bob Smiley

  • #2

    Can you post some pictures of your boat I have an Austin im rebuilding.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Frank Erion has several propellers for the KG7. His phone is 269 720 1337. Good Luck


      • #4
        Type of shaft?

        Splined shaft with clutch pack or adapater or smooth?


        • #5
          I have two motors. One with splined shaft w clutch pack and one lower unit with smooth prop shaft. I would like to get a racing prop for each one if possible.

          Bob Smiley


          • #6
            clutch packs hard to find

            It's tough and expensive to find decent clutch pack assys. I have purchased
            several spline shaft adapters ( Ron Hill has them) and gone that route.
            It's much easier to find OJ type props with 5/8" bores or smaller that you can ream to fit. I have found that 7-3/4 x 10-1/2 (two blade) to be good on the stock KG7 16:21 gears. I bought a 3 blade chopper type from Craig Dewald that I'm very pleased with. I playing with my 7's on a Pickerell A/BR.
            I did find a 6-1/4 x 14 that did well also. I spent alot of $ screwing around in this prop quest. I would have been better off going to Craig to begin with.
            Just my experience..........


            • #7

              Thanks for the information. I acquired an OJ brass 7 3/4 x 11 with a 13/16 hole. that is very close to your 7 3/4x 10 1/2 prop. It will be shimmed down for the smoth shaft. What was your speed range with your setup? Someone told me this is an old F prop. You said your 6 1/4 x 14 was your best prop. That sounds amazing since the fishing housing is soo large in diameter. Can you remember your transom height?

              Thanks for your help.



              • #8
                reply to your last..

                My transom height is jacked to 17-3/4. My best prop so far is a Dewald 3
                blade chopper 7-3/4 x 11. I weigh 210 on a good day, boat is a Pickerell
                ABR. Best speed so far is 37 according to the speedo. I plan on taking it up
                a little higher and play with tilt. I just finished building a KG7Q and I'm in
                pursuit of a retired ABH picklefork. I really don't care for the runabout..
                I wish I could turn the clocks back 45 years when I was lighter. Regardless,
                I'm still having fun again. Best of luck on your venture.


                • #9
                  Runabout for Restoration

                  Originally posted by mikegh View Post
                  Can you post some pictures of your boat I have an Austin im rebuilding.
                  Ouch! Those concrete blocks hurt my side. Cushions would be nice till you fix me up
                  "Keep Move'n" life is catching up!
                  No man's life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session.


                  • #10
                    KG-7 prop

                    I seem to remember Ron Hill making some beautiful stainless KG-7 props.

                    I think this is the thread:



                    • #11
                      I have sent an e-mail and am awaiting a call from Ron Hill.



                      • #12
                        RHill's KG props


                        I have a KG-7 Htower w racing foot, smooth shaft, 2blade SS prop(no spec), goes like stink(high 40's) currently on my SSH K-Craft(10'9"). Will try it on 2004 ASH Bezoat summer 2010, but I think transom too low, made for OMC. Also have 1989 Sorenson Scamp, higher transom; Darrell confirmed it's one of the 2 boats(103R) pictured at the bottom of his website ( - might put KG on this. This is my lake racer toy, refusing to grow up(aged 48).
                        Intrigued with this prop discussion. I'm 2 donuts short of 190lb, so trying to understand what a 3blade prop will do for me.
                        Smiley, on behalf of other KG owners, and rather than each contacting him, can you ask RH details on availability of 2 and 3 blade props, details on recommended spec for each, knowing props will vary for each setup/boat. But there must be a range of spec within which to work. If you could post findings of your discussion, this would be great.

                        Buzzie1,what was the spec on your Dewald 3blade that worked so well?..does he have them kicking around, or did he build for you?


                        Last edited by hydroid; 11-05-2009, 07:46 AM. Reason: pics
                        Stock Outboard Racing!....because other sports,, football, baseball, etc....only require one Ball!


                        • #13
                          I called Craig Dewald, told him what I had for a ride, told him my weight, motor, etc. He sent me a 7-3/4 x 11. If I didn't like it, he said send it back and we'll try something else. It was the best prop of many so far. I ran out of "season" to play with the setup. But like I mentioned earlier, I should have contacted Craig first. I would have
                          saved a lot of $. What Ron has to offer is very similar. These guys know what they're doing. I have a completed KG7Q that will be going on a 9.5 Furnal Flyer for this next season. I'm certain that the prop will be different for this application being a hydro vs.
                          an ABR. I've got at least 20 doughnuts on you, plus pushing 61.


                          • #14
                            Furnal F and KG7


                            Get out of here!! have an FF w KG7?? too, 8'9"!!'re my new BFF!
                            Got it Spring 09, previously raced thru Ontario/NY/East. Put our 10hp Merc on it for my son(13), does 34mph w stock prop. He's big man on campus(lake), what it's all about at that age.
                            The FF has a higher transom, designed for Merc longer shaft, J/ASXH racing, perfect for the KG7, rather than the Bezoat/Sorenson(OMC). This will fly!...or flip.
                            Will tell son tonite I'm taking the FF away,'s all about me! Just need to butter my rear to slide into it. See the pic, graphics also match my underwear.


                            On topic: don't recall, you have racing/standard gearfoot? Any other prop insight you have is appreciated. Your FF 9'6", or 8'9"? I'll contact Craig, seems very accommodating, re testing props.

                            So, you're in Vt, I'm in Tor/Muskoka, Ont, let's set a date for a race??? Crystal Lake, NY, 9/2010.
                            Bob, you should join us,...bit of drive though, Rockies, then the Plains...

                            Stock Outboard Racing!....because other sports,, football, baseball, etc....only require one Ball!


                            • #15

                              I love the air brush work on your boy's hydro. Good stuff.

                              I have not heard back from Ron. Probably thinks I am a tire kicker. That's OK. I can wait. Winter is long. Besides I have much other equipment to buy.Trying to acquire two complete setups for 7 classes of racing and 6 grandkids to keep happy.

                              So Far I have tore down two lower units and cleaned up the externals of the powerheads. Looked inside the ports. No bad news there. Compression is unknown. We will find out after they have been run a little. I cannot believe how these backyard mechanics abuse there powerplants with strange nuts and bolts, missing studs, weird washers and oversize hardward store expendables.


                              How fast does your green hydro go in the snow?


