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The season so far PART TWO/ UPDATE

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  • The season so far PART TWO/ UPDATE

    At exactly what point does your "rookie" status end? After a year? After a full season? After ten heats/races/ etc?
    Maybe rookie status would be effectively terminated after just one heat win. One of the unique things about Stock outboard racing is the flying start. Even if you are dead slow- in your first race- if everyone else jumps all you need to do is finish and you are a winner. I love this concept- even though I have never benefitted from it.

    Anyway let us just say that in a few days my 2017 APBA Racing membership card #15527 is set to expire; ending my rookie status- in my mind anyway.
    My sincere congratulations to all who earned "Rookie of the Year" awards in their various clubs- I'd love to hear their stories.

    My struggles over the course of my 2017 season are well documented on here ("The Season so far" post); at one point I was ready to quit.

    Thankfully, God sent me an angel in the form of Frank Novotny- who turned my thinking around and got me pointed back toward the first turn pin. In all honesty, it was the poem he posted on "The season so far" that actually got me bawling and more determined than ever to try & win JUST ONE BOAT RACE- JUST ONE TIME. I do not know the name of the poem or author but it will be printed and varnished onto the inside wall of my trailer door.

    There were several others that contacted my privately who had a very positive effect on my thinking/attitude/plan for the future- you guys know who you are and please know that I will never forget how you were there for me when I needed you most. Everyone loves a winner. It takes a very special person to love a loser. God will surely bless your hearts.

    I'm very happy to report that my Runnecraft is back in the amazing hands of John Runne for some minor repair, a new Mychron 5 is on it's merry way here from Todd Anderson, and my long suffering Y80 is being shipped to Jerry Davids for whatever miracle he can come up with. Tom Cronk has my Y80 foot that failed at Millville and there is a check made out to the APBA for renewal of Racing Membership #15527.
    I am seriously considering buying a sealed 321 & running 300ssh; I already sold a gorgeous 55H to finance this. I easily could have eliminated 3/4 of my problems this year if I had ran 300 to begin with.

    I would like to dedicate this to all the guys/gals out there reading this that are contemplating giving boat racing a try. Here are a few unsolicited truths that hopefully will lead you to a successful Rookie season:

    !. Get the money ready.
    2.Get a few helpers that are committed to being there all weekend and various times throughout the week.
    3.Do not expect it to be easy. Driving a race boat around a turn at speed is a lot harder than it looks.
    4. Stuff will break. Get used to it. See #1.
    6. Don't turn right too hard unless you like swimming
    7.Turn the gas petcock on when you get to the race & LEAVE IT ON ALL WEEKEND
    8 DO NOT jump into the more competitive classes right away i.e. 20ssh/CSH
    9. Don't be bashful/embarrassed about asking for help. This is what I struggled with the most.
    10. Never forget this is supposed to be FUN- & it usually is. But at times you will wonder about this...

    Many thanks again to all who had faith in me and I will never forget you
    George & moxie

  • #2
    Maybe you should become a writer and get into politics.


    • #3
      Glad that you are sticking with racing. My first year back in 1962, when there were always elimination heats, even at the local races, I never made the finals.

      Your decision to run 300 SSH is a very good idea. Good luck and have fun.

      Dean F. Hobart


      • #4
        Happy to hear that you have given this sport more thought, 300 is a great class. Especially for new drivers like you that are still developing their driving skills. See you out there in the spring!
        Ryan Brewster 57-S


        • #5
          george i'm glad i was able to help you find the first turn again. your thank you just made my day and year.. the poem is titled 'do not quit' and was written by john greenleaf whittier(1807-1892). the words hold true today as they did those many years ago. happy new year!
          Click image for larger version

Name:	do not quit.jpg
Views:	92
Size:	62.8 KB
ID:	461020


          • #6
            Congratulations on your Rookie Season. I recall when my Granddaughter completed her Rookie year in K-Pro. At the end of the final race of the season she and two other kids ripped off their Rookie Stripes and danced around. It was so cute. And then another rite-of-passage came when she turned 14 and I got her a boat with a 125cc Rossi. It took one ride and she let us know she didn't want to run K-Pro ever again.


            • Al Lang
              Al Lang commented
              Editing a comment
              Tim, she has come a long way since her rookie year. Even daughter has done quite well. Apparently you taught them well. May they have a great and safe season.

          • #7
            Well....there is some news.
            11P Joe Sees III


            • #8
              George, just remember one thing, success is not accomplished every time it is tried, failure is!it took me twenty years to flat out win my first race, they came some what easier after that and the rewards were worth waiting for for sure.See you at Stan’s in June. Steve


              • #9
                “What do you need to win races? Simply you need a good boat, a good prop, a good engine, a good set up, a good start, a good driver, and a bit of good luck.” The beauty of 300ssH is two important things on this list are taken off it. You get a good motor and a good prop. Now the rest of the things you can work on with each race. After a while you will realize you are making progress. The only thing wrong with the class is the vets should not be running it. They should let guys like you George taste victory once in a while and have some real fun while you are learning. Glad you decided to return and 300ss is a good place to be.
                John Adams


                • #10
                  This is my biggest complaint about the 300SSH class. You win "x" amount of races or finish high points or a Natonal Title move on. Any other type of racing that's the way it is in a sealed class


                  • #11
                    Should rename it Novice 300ss, maybe that would help.


                    • #12
                      Glad to see you’ve had a change of heart!! Good luck on your upcoming season! And Have Fun!


                      • #13
                        Hey George - glad to see you've had a change of heart! If all goes to plan, I think you'd make the 4th novice 300SSH in Region 3 for 2018, plus we're going to try to have one available out of our trailer for the racing school or newbie drivers. You're welcome to come testing with us once the river thaws or you get everything back - whichever comes first...

                        Dave Breisacher


                        • #14
                          Work hard and put time into testing,I found the winners circle in my second season . It's not easy but if you want it bad enough it can be


                          • #15

                            You still need to mail me a template for your turn fin......


