Some of you might have notice the latest rise in YouTube and Facebook videos featuring the Inboard classes, which can be found all over the net. I will admit that the North West teams have a done a bang up job of posting the Go Pro footage but viewers also need to the see wide shots of competition etc.
While some of you might not agree I'm hear to tell you that YouTube and Facebook are just a few of the best marketing tool available for free other then the cost of a camcorder which be purchased dirt cheap these days.
My point is get a camcorder in the hands of those family member's and friends just resting in the pits and lets get this sport on the map! If racing all summer long is in your budget then surely a small camcorder from Costco is within reach.
Don't have a PC to edit the tapes or just to busy with other family stuff sure I understand we are all in the same boat not enough hours in the day trust me I know, that's where I come in just mail the tape to me and I will post it for you! I might have sold HR but I have not left the sport.
The power of the internet is much greater then some of you realize.
Getting down off soap box now
While some of you might not agree I'm hear to tell you that YouTube and Facebook are just a few of the best marketing tool available for free other then the cost of a camcorder which be purchased dirt cheap these days.
My point is get a camcorder in the hands of those family member's and friends just resting in the pits and lets get this sport on the map! If racing all summer long is in your budget then surely a small camcorder from Costco is within reach.
Don't have a PC to edit the tapes or just to busy with other family stuff sure I understand we are all in the same boat not enough hours in the day trust me I know, that's where I come in just mail the tape to me and I will post it for you! I might have sold HR but I have not left the sport.
The power of the internet is much greater then some of you realize.
Getting down off soap box now
