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Sault Ste Marie, MI

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  • #16
    Best Advice Yet

    Originally posted by Fox
    fuel concerns,

    I would suggest everyone keep the local inspector busy buy requesting a full fuel inspection prior to racing each and every weekend.

    Jay Fox
    I'll drink your gas anytime
    After my first DQ in racing in over 27 years of competition, this is by far the safest, cheapest, and most worthwhile advice I have seen.

    If everyone tested PRIOR to racing that day, the fuel issue could almost become non-issue. It would only leave those that might be using something to be caught.
    Dave Mason
    Just A Boat Racer


    • #17
      would this have worked in the Soo? The reason I asked is because the test equipment was more like a chemistry set. And unless it is mandatory, i just can't picture the pre race fuel inspection being as extravagent as the post race was. I know that in most pre inspection tests, the inspecter drops a probe and maybe uses one test tube to shake it around and look for something (as you can see I am not a fuel expert) How far/ deep will they go in a pre, test? I looked in the apba rule book, and didn't see anything (which means it was probably right under my nose) that says the inspector has to use the same tests for pre and post inspection. If he/she does have to use the same tests performed in pre and post inspection, and if you aren't playing with your fuel, this would probably be the best idea yet, inexpensive and almost bullet proof. IMO


      • #18
        Own Responsibilty

        I think in all categories it is your own responsibilty to make sure your fuel is legal. If I suspect fuel I get to be ileagal, I am gonna ask the inspector to go through all the tests for me. I don't think you can get banned or suspended if you have it tested prior to racing. Post race, yes. Just my opinion, with all the issues at gas stations today, I think it would be wise to take matters into your own hands and eliminate the need for any post inspection crisis.

        I priced a new Digitron, they are around $500.00 from Digitron. The same meter inspectors today use. That would be a worthwhile investment I think. Won't catch chemicals that are banned, but will allow you to better pick a gas station that has initial legal fuel, and lower risk DQ.
        Dave Mason
        Just A Boat Racer


        • #19
          boat race fund

          where can I buy stock in Digitron's?

