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  • Pateros

    Race update please, dont want to be accused of speculation!

  • #2
    Spec U Laa Tion

    No one is allowed to post anything if you weren't at the race. Charm needs a rooster tail on a boat leading her, with her pasting on the outside. Jimmy D


    • #3

      Just got back last night....ran 20ssh and CSH Saturday, 20ssh Sunday...crewed for Dave Cossette on his 5 litre and 2.5 stock..I want to give a shout out to the race committee and the rest of the inboard guys were fantastic and I had a really good was a bit hot, better then cold! David


      • #4
        Originally posted by daveracerdsh View Post
        Just got back last night....ran 20ssh and CSH Saturday, 20ssh Sunday...crewed for Dave Cossette on his 5 litre and 2.5 stock..I want to give a shout out to the race committee and the rest of the inboard guys were fantastic and I had a really good was a bit hot, better then cold! David
        From what I witnessed on Karls Webcast...I'd say you are owed a bath.


        • #5

          U mean me? Little old me getting somebody wet in an outboard? Never! Oh of the best inboard races I have ever seen was 1 litre mod with Cory Peabodys boat.....deck to deck for over 3 laps....very exciting....


          • #6
            would have liked to see this;


            • #7
              here she is

              new boat, new course, new jerks to deal with, still kept her head up, and smiled constantly: Miss 'Phantom Marisa 309';

              thanks for all you do in representing us proud 'Outlaws'! LOOKING GOOD
              Last edited by Jerkizoid; 08-31-2011, 04:05 PM.


              • #8
                The drag racing Hondos got the attention of the referee . The SE boats shut down before the flare went off but the whole class was penalized the same. ARREST EVERY BODY IN THE CLASS -----JUST BECAUSE Jimmy D. Kind of like a bar fight-Round up everyone and throw them in the drunk tank, let them sort it out in court. Ref had blinders on.


                • #9
                  A little history why I am upset with this....

                  Or held a grudge himself or with some friends. Heck, I was treated the same 12 years ago but slightly different.....

                  I was allowed to run APBA region 10 @ Moses Lake in 1999. After being lapped with a 7 cylinder bbc, I had to go one more lap to finish. All the Seattle SS boats turned in front of me before I had got the checkered, ignoring the return to pit flag that wasnt yet displayed!
                  Their penalty;was a warning in private! Which of the two offenses seems more dangerous to you??? Turning inside the course (not the DMZ) to time the clock well for a good start, or turning in front of a racing boat? Someone should protest or at least receive an explanation why all 6 of our guys got ticketed? Only two rookies there the rest veterans of 5 or more years of racing and treated like drunken risk takers! FAR FROM the TRUTH if ya ask me!

                  I will re-evaluate our plans on going to Sammamish next month for fear of the same poor presiding referee. My sincere sympathy to all those hard workers who spent dearly to make the pilgramage instead of enjoying their weekend at Trout Creek!


                  • #10
                    Pix from the race

                    Was so hot 98 at noon
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Err ss

                      Zoom Zoom
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Dave A

                        Thanks Dave A for helping me out last weekend, you took off before I had a chance to thank you!!!! See you soon!


                        • #13

                          Anytime guys (Mike, yourself, your friend, and Dave) were a blast to be around....and I sure felt like you know what for leaving carb cover on Saturday....that will never happen again.....I think the funnest part of the weekend was the "dinner" that Dave Cossette was served at the Mexican place....I am still laughing about it nearly a week later....also..if you are free Yelm weekend maybe you could pit for me? Beer is on me....


                          • #14
                            Dave, I would loved to help you out at yelm, but ill be in chelan with the 5L... I hope you kick butt, I actually know you will


                            • #15
                              Does anyone have any info on the fraternal twin Biesemeyers shown in this
                              thread. Watched a couple of videos with them running in a couple of
                              events this year, looking for specs....year of hull, engine etc.


