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Keep an eye out for info

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  • Keep an eye out for info

    Keep a really close eye out on this board as exciting news from the NBRA un folds
    Announcing a new series for 2009 race season. a 5 race participation series of racing. here are the race dates and sites you definately want to attend. May 15/16/09 southern s/c nats/series race #1 Alex La. June 13/14 RockawayBeach Mo. series race #2 Centraillia Ill Aug 7/8/9 L/C nats series race #3 Stillwater Ok Aug22/23 series race #4 and the season finally Shellbyville Ill sept 19/20 northern S/C nats series race #5
    As participation racing goes here are the rules to be eligible to win the prizes. 1. you must attend at least 4 out of the 5 races and 2. you must attend the 09 national meeting, wow not bad, but you may not win the series point championship that way so you might want to go to all these races to get that title, so you ask what are the prizes?? well just to start if you qualify by going to 4 of these races and attend the meeting, you will be eligible to win (get this) $1,000 cash money. thats just a start, A boat dolly, a new race prop or 2 ,and other awards that are yet to be determined. Now I ask you all where else other than NBRA can you get a deal like this??? Race boats get prize money at the races, Prize money after the races , and really neat awards just by racing the boats you race Jeff Ruth

  • #2

    Are the dates of the 1st race at Alex right? That would be a Friday and Saturday.


    • #3
      Originally posted by thetrailergod View Post
      May 15/16/09 southern s/c nats/series race #1 Alex La.
      Why a short course at the best lake in the country for a long course?

      Originally posted by thetrailergod View Post
      you must attend the 09 national meeting,
      Think it would be possible to have the National Meeting a little earlier - say middle of October?

      OMC FE/SE powerhead parts for sale. Kurcz ported block, Mod 50 pistons and cylinder head, exhaust, etc.


      • #4
        David if you come up with $4000.00 to $5000.00 prize money I bet you could have one at Alex. That is what they have at the Long Course in Centralia. There have been so many boat races at Alex that it's hard to get any money from the local community. Besides that Centralia has some great water to race on. I think the APBA Winter Nationals will be at Alex so get your boat ready.
        Larry Mac


        • #5
          My question is why run a short course at Alex.? Has nothing to do with the Nationals.

          My boat is ready to go to the APBA Winter Nationals.
          Last edited by David_L6; 11-11-2008, 08:09 AM.

          OMC FE/SE powerhead parts for sale. Kurcz ported block, Mod 50 pistons and cylinder head, exhaust, etc.


          • #6

            From what I heard proposed they would run a short course on Sat and a long course on Sun. Both would be for records if they can put it together. Contact Jason Sumrall for more info
            Art K


            • #7
              Let me try this again. How many boats would show up at Alex running a regular race with a long course? Now how many would show at Alex running a Short Course Nationals? Don't you think the turn out might be a little better at a National event. The boats are ready but the question is can you get off from work!!!
              Larry Mac


              • #8

                From some ocnversations I have had. You don't have to win any race to be able to win the $1000.00 at the year end awards banquet. As long as you meet the min races and attend the National Convention your name goes into a hat and a name is drawn to win the grand. There are lots of other prizes as well that will be drawn for at the banquet. Most are pretty significant.

                This year Alan Owen won the enclosed race ready trailer. Anyone guess how much a race ready enclosed trailer for two or three boats and engines is worth, brand new ? I see used ones go on here for near 10K.

                Now you have it. Race dates are there for you to plan your vacation around, and for other clubs to consider when scheduling races. Lets hope there is not any conflicting dates this year. We all need to get along for this sport to maintain its current level.
                Dave Mason
                Just A Boat Racer


                • #9
                  Dave, you are absoulty correct, you dont have to win. just be there to be eligibale, thank you. and yes this is just a start for this, I only came up with these sponers for this series in 1 day. and we have all year to get more, MMMM wonder what the possibialities are Jeff


                  • #10
                    This sounds pretty good Jeff. How much prize money would be needed to have a race added to the series?


                    • #11
                      This is going to be good!

                      Any way you look at it, there are going to be some awesome races in NBRA this coming season. Really looking forward to it! By the way- thanks NBRA for the boat dolly! I really needed it!
                      Richard Russo
                      CSH 9-L

                      2009 NBRA CSH Southern
                      and Northern Short Course
                      Nationals Winner
                      2009 NBRA CSH High
                      Point Winner

                      Andiamo Joe!!


                      • #12
                        CHANGE IN THE DATE OF THE SEASON OPENER, ALEX WILL BE MAY7/8/9 instead of 15/16 Jeff


                        • #13
                          The change to the Pineville dates now make the race on Thur, Fri and Sat. This can not possibly be correct. What are the actual dates?
                          Last edited by Jack Stotts; 11-18-2008, 07:46 PM.


                          • #14
                            sorry Jack the Lake is reserved for the 7th 8th 9th and 10th the acuatuall race for the s/cnats will be on sat the 9th, any elimations and the race on the 10th will be the first series race Jeff


                            • #15
                              I'm also sorry. I guess I just don't uderstand your post. I get that we will race on Sat and Sun but is the lake reserved by NBRA for the other days. If it is reserved by NBRA does that mean it is available for testing on 7 and 8.

