Tunks, the best seafood in the South
Even if you are not an AOF member, come for bragging rights. (1 mi, 3 lap record course). Prove to the world that APBA racers really are the fastest or NOT.
AOF gives nice end of the year awards
Break a record on the FASTEST water in the world (Might be because of the alligator pooop)
This is home turf racing for David Woodell, Sean and Tylane Hebert, Ralph Cook, and Jack Stotts. You see them at your races, now pay them back.
Beautiful weather in Louisiana in October.
You’ve heard it for decades: “Alex is the BEST racecourse in the world.” Come on down just to see if you can argue the point the next time there is a poll on Hydroracer. (The Winter Nationals did not count, it was way to cold to enjoy anything).
The entry fees and motel rates are so cheap that even if you throw in the gas to get there, it is still cheaper than sitting home
Your card is honored here and so are you. And since you don’t understand Cajun, you won’t even realize when you are being cussed out.
And the number one reason to Come to The AOF Nationals in Louisiana,
Eddie promises to prove that Republicans DO have nose rings.
Even if you are not an AOF member, come for bragging rights. (1 mi, 3 lap record course). Prove to the world that APBA racers really are the fastest or NOT.
AOF gives nice end of the year awards
Break a record on the FASTEST water in the world (Might be because of the alligator pooop)
This is home turf racing for David Woodell, Sean and Tylane Hebert, Ralph Cook, and Jack Stotts. You see them at your races, now pay them back.
Beautiful weather in Louisiana in October.
You’ve heard it for decades: “Alex is the BEST racecourse in the world.” Come on down just to see if you can argue the point the next time there is a poll on Hydroracer. (The Winter Nationals did not count, it was way to cold to enjoy anything).
The entry fees and motel rates are so cheap that even if you throw in the gas to get there, it is still cheaper than sitting home
Your card is honored here and so are you. And since you don’t understand Cajun, you won’t even realize when you are being cussed out.
And the number one reason to Come to The AOF Nationals in Louisiana,
Eddie promises to prove that Republicans DO have nose rings.