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Top 10 Reasons to Attend AOF Nationals

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  • Top 10 Reasons to Attend AOF Nationals

    Tunks, the best seafood in the South

    Even if you are not an AOF member, come for bragging rights. (1 mi, 3 lap record course). Prove to the world that APBA racers really are the fastest or NOT.

    AOF gives nice end of the year awards

    Break a record on the FASTEST water in the world (Might be because of the alligator pooop)

    This is home turf racing for David Woodell, Sean and Tylane Hebert, Ralph Cook, and Jack Stotts. You see them at your races, now pay them back.

    Beautiful weather in Louisiana in October.

    You’ve heard it for decades: “Alex is the BEST racecourse in the world.” Come on down just to see if you can argue the point the next time there is a poll on Hydroracer. (The Winter Nationals did not count, it was way to cold to enjoy anything).

    The entry fees and motel rates are so cheap that even if you throw in the gas to get there, it is still cheaper than sitting home

    Your card is honored here and so are you. And since you don’t understand Cajun, you won’t even realize when you are being cussed out.

    And the number one reason to Come to The AOF Nationals in Louisiana,

    Eddie promises to prove that Republicans DO have nose rings.

  • #2
    I'll bite on every reason. Good post! Looking forward to a fun weekend and dinner at Tunk's.


    • #3
      Originally posted by YankeeRacing View Post
      Tunks, the best seafood in the South

      Even if you are not an AOF member, come for bragging rights. (1 mi, 3 lap record course). Prove to the world that APBA racers really are the fastest or NOT.

      AOF gives nice end of the year awards

      Break a record on the FASTEST water in the world (Might be because of the alligator pooop)

      This is home turf racing for David Woodell, Sean and Tylane Hebert, Ralph Cook, and Jack Stotts. You see them at your races, now pay them back.

      Beautiful weather in Louisiana in October.

      You’ve heard it for decades: “Alex is the BEST racecourse in the world.” Come on down just to see if you can argue the point the next time there is a poll on Hydroracer. (The Winter Nationals did not count, it was way to cold to enjoy anything).

      The entry fees and motel rates are so cheap that even if you throw in the gas to get there, it is still cheaper than sitting home

      Your card is honored here and so are you. And since you don’t understand Cajun, you won’t even realize when you are being cussed out.

      And the number one reason to Come to The AOF Nationals in Louisiana,

      Eddie promises to prove that Republicans DO have nose rings.
      you say it so well
      AOF not like APBA
      vrp/sattler power



      • #4
        number 11 AOF will not charge you 20 bucks to test per day. !!!!!!!!!


        • #5
          Test Fee's ?

          Hey Now. I just ran a race up here at the state line of Wis & ILL. We had tesing ALL day on Friday and didnt charge anything...

          So, here's the deal: For every racer I can get to your AOF race, will you guys bring the same back to my APBA race next Sept at Pleasant Prarrie, WI?

          Sounds like a good barter to me.... I only know one person down there. (Dave Woodell) Otherwise I have maybe 3 friends up here. I need to know I will be welcome . . .


          • #6
            Hi Kip,
            Funny story:
            Most, if not all of the 125 racers you had at Pleasant Prairie either are or where or gonna be again an AOF member. Even some of the other racers there. (Like Jeff with Toohotsu).
            Some of the midwest races are already run with AOF as the co-host. (DePue, Rockford). You will have to add Pleasant Prairie next year.
            The USTS runs all it's races with AOF as co host so anyone who is an AOF member also gets AOF points besides APBA points. The USTS has seen quite an influx of AOF racers joining in their ranks since implementing the program.
            And, if you add 125 runabout next year along with your 125 Hydro, you will see even a bigger turnout.
            So, I think AOF already helped you out with your race at Pleasant Prairie. So get on down to Alex, have a good time, I know you will be welcome because just about any AOF racer is also an APBA racer too. If they aren't already, then it is your chance to make a new friend who will want to come join you next year at your race.
            Everyone wins.
            Connie Payn


            • #7
              Test Fees

              $20.00 To test is not a bad deal when there is EMTs and staffed rescue boats there.



              • #8
                Originally posted by YankeeRacing View Post

                And the number one reason to Come to The AOF Nationals in Louisiana,

                Eddie promises to prove that Republicans DO have nose rings.
                Stacy Runne is proof of that, not me! Eddie.

                "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                • #9
                  about 200 people x 20.00 about 4000 sounds better if it comes with fries and a coke.


                  • #10
                    Common ground

                    Originally posted by YankeeRacing View Post
                    I know you will be welcome because just about any AOF racer is also an APBA racer too.
                    Connie makes a good point. AOF and APBA have so much in common nowadays. It's hard to separate the two. (and why would you want to?)


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by kip8w View Post
                      Hey Now. I just ran a race up here at the state line of Wis & ILL. We had tesing ALL day on Friday and didnt charge anything...

                      So, here's the deal: For every racer I can get to your AOF race, will you guys bring the same back to my APBA race next Sept at Pleasant Prarrie, WI?

                      Sounds like a good barter to me.... I only know one person down there. (Dave Woodell) Otherwise I have maybe 3 friends up here. I need to know I will be welcome . . .
                      It does sound good. I thought I posted this question in another thread but could not find it. Will PP be the same weeknd as Brighton next year ? I would like to come over and support PP, as I know Bruce Birling did a lot of leg work there in years past, and he came over and supported IOA races for a few years before he stopped racing. Nice folks. And of course, Kev, you and your brother came over to Shelbyville NBRA race, so I would like to show some of that support back if possible. Only problem I have is Brighton 1 hour away from home, PP about 5 hours from home. If I had to make the choice with fuel prices being high, I would have to go with the hour drive.

                      Any rate, charging for testing is really out of the norm for most races. I know only of two in all my years of racing that have charged.

                      Hope to see you around next season. And If I come to PP you need to provide the bodyguards !!
                      Dave Mason
                      Just A Boat Racer


                      • #12


                        thanks for your interest in PP. In fact the commodores for BSOA, MRC, MHRA, TRORA, and IOA along with Bob Trolain have already begun discussions about the '08 schedule and avoiding conflicts wherever possible. Hopefully we can work something out with PP and Brighton.

                        Support your local club and local races.

                        Bill Pavlick

                        I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by YankeeRacing View Post
                          Hi Kip, Funny story:
                          Most, if not all of the 125 racers you had at Pleasant Prairie either are or where or gonna be again an AOF member. Everyone wins.
                          Connie Payn
                          Thnkz for the info. I would enjoy working with the AOF more in the future. Please PM or Email me with any future races that are up in the midwest -OR- with any ideas you may have in regard to a joint venture together. Ive had much trouble in the past finding access to the AOF website & links... KIP

