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Burlington Predictions

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  • Burlington Predictions

    Last year I made predictions and I was about 50% correct. Burlington always has always been sentimental to me as its' in Racine county and as a Racine native, its' special.

    1) The pig roast will be great!
    2) It will rain 1 day
    3) The lake will be more shallow than last year
    4) Someone will get stuck in the mud in turn 2
    5) The soft serve ice cream will be top notch
    6) The racers will close down the tavern across from the Rainbow, I can't remember the name, watching the Coca Cola 600.

    Race predictions

    ASH- pickle power wins! ( got to love Jennifer coming back from the foot injury )
    ASR- Hansen Hull
    CSR- I like John Evans with the roll up.
    20ssh- I like a Pavlick, I am not picking which one.
    CSH- It's the 22-W of Ryan Burdick, agrressive and in control
    25ssh- JOEY Z, the champ
    DMH- Fred H in the orange bullet

    I wish I could be there!

    Tim Weber

  • #2
    The bar is called "Chris's" I believe.


    • #3
      Was Doug's Chit Chat I believe, but a few years back became Chris' USA.


      • #4
        Geez, Tim, you're a native. You know better. Its not soft serve, its the real stuff, Frozen Custard... no wimpy soft serve in the dairy state.

        I hear the pig roast is Brats this year.


        • #5
          Stuck in Turn 2

          I'd like to open the floor for nominations as to who will get stuck in the mud in turn 2. Let's hear 'em. Ed.

          "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


          • #6

            The rest of the world does not know what frozen custard is. Also, non Wisconsonites don't know what a bubbler is or whats' 50/50 or pop.

            Tim Weber


            • #7
              Originally posted by 14-H View Post
              I'd like to open the floor for nominations as to who will get stuck in the mud in turn 2. Let's hear 'em. Ed.
              My vote is for Chris Algiers...Just don't tell him I said that!!! By the way-who received the dim bulb award last year?????
              Member - Team Red

              Looking forward to feeling better later!

              Go big or go home!

              2nd Sux!

              "Sorry For Partying"


              • #8
                Lost Predictions

                How about a prediction about where the lightening will strike this year???

                "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                • #9
                  1-Rain one day, probably saturday.
                  2-Normal Burrrrrlington weather, cool highs of 70.
                  3-No one getts stuck
                  4-no lighting strikes
                  Gene Schertz 26V
                  TEAM CAFFEINE
                  Cranked up and ready to Roll
                  Reeds for Speed!


                  • #10
                    you sure about that Gene?

                    you have'nt been around long enough, normal Burrrrrrlington weather is low 50's, low 70's will be great! keep your fingers crossed on the weather. IMO no better place to race when the weather is good.

                    no one stuck in the mud (insider info )
                    ASR, BSR will be the best battles of the weekend.
                    Chicago Paul will continue to work his butt off promoting the sport.
                    Yamato classes: toss up between Donny and Billy.

                    Support your local club and local races.

                    Bill Pavlick

                    I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII


                    • #11
                      to the rest of the world....

                      custard is richer, creamier and not as healthy for you. Unlike ice cream-and i mean real ice cream, the homade stuff-custard coats your tongue after awhile and so you don't taste as much as you think you do. So it's best eaten in small amounts, not that I started eating it in smaller amounts after I learned that...

                      Also, Wisconsinites call it a bubbler because we're so very historically astute. You see, back in the day when "drinking fountains" were fresh on the market, the first model EVER was called a bubbler. Proud that something as amazingly cool as it was came out of Wisconsin, we just kept right on calling them Bubblers.

                      And Gene, Bill's right, Burlington is known as BUUUUUUURRRRRRRlington for a reason. Sorry buddy, weathers just been kinda good to us the last couple of years.
                      64W & 22B


                      • #12
                        Hi Spunky, Bill,
                        Well that may be true for you , but personaly anything below 75 is chilly weather when playing in the water. And I have heard a few storys about real BUUUUUUURRRRRRRlington weather, I'd just personaly rather not experiance it. Hopefully we will not have the "real thing" this year.
                        Gene Schertz 26V
                        TEAM CAFFEINE
                        Cranked up and ready to Roll
                        Reeds for Speed!


                        • #13

                          Had boat display day last Sunday at Burlington in parking area, lots of nice people stopped by to chat & ask about boat racing . no weeds , the lake looks clean might be about a foot deeper do to heavy spring rains . Fast Fred takes DSH ,lars takes DMH ,Spunky takes 2nd in first BSH race ever. Coop kicks in BSR, Ryan wins what ever he runs in. Chicago paul does well in 25 ss hydro. Who was that dim bulb recipient ?But most of all everyone will have fun !

                          D Shaw 13-W


                          • #14
                            Yamato classes: toss up between Donny and Billy.
                            Gotta give the edge this weekend to Donny or Donnie or JrJr. He's got the tested and proven boat- Bill's from last year. Bill will be competitive but it will probably take a couple of races to have him dialed in real well.


                            • #15
                              How did my predictions turn out? What were the results?

                              Tim Weber

