It looks like we are in for some Rain this weekend.. The races are still on , Friday looks like showers later in the day , Sat early showers clearing mid day and Sun the best day with just a chance of showers. I will do my best to see that we get the most out of the weekend. With Gas at $3.00 a gallon no one wants to travel and not race. We will run the MONEY classes as early as possible. Hope to see you this weekend . Shawn - 207-636-2563
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Standish Maine--- Rain
Do the math
The good news is Sunday will be the better day. Saturday forecast is 75 - 80% chance of rain.
Lets do the math -
1. 24 hours in the day (even in Maine)
2. 75% chance of rain means 25 % chance of no rain.
3. 25% of the day is six hours of no rain.
4. If we catch a break this means from noon to 6pm no rain.
5. We only need 4 hours to run our program
6. We have two hours left to have a cook out & bon
fire before it starts to rain again.
Therefore, rain is a non issue. However, there is also wet snow in the forecast. let me get back to you on that one.
" there is also wet snow in the forecast..."
All us Canadians, some whom have left already,
or will FRI AM, would say;
" better snow than rain, eh.."
But I do not get it, we are only 300miles NWof you,
and its going to be 70s and sun here all weekend.
Are you sure..???Brian Hendrick, #66 F
"the harder we try, the worser it gets"
We did the Math!!
Despite a weather forecast of 75% showers, South Shore Outboard caught a break and ran off two full days of racing without a hitch. Although temperatures hovered aroung the 50 degree mark, the rain held off until the racing was concluded both days.
Special thanks to the Race Committee that kept things moving: Charlie, Harriet, Leigh Ann, Pearl and Alan. Patrol Boat Drivers - not one minute was lost in the change overs between sets. Shawn C. did a great job of coordinating the event. Not one aspect was overlooked and that resulted in a successful joint venture for SSOA and the Standish Kiwannis.
Additional thanks to the Long Island, NY teams that traveled to support the event. We should also be grateful to the lax border patrol that allowed our Canadian friends into the Country - eh!
To all involved, yours efforts were greatly appreciated to successfully kick off the 2007 season in Region One.
Laurie - we could still see our breath!Last edited by TPLACE31; 05-20-2007, 06:44 PM.
Us Canadians that made the trip down would like to thank the South Shore club for the great race this week-end. The race itself went off without a hitch, and was fun to participate in. Hopefully us Canadians treat racers from other regions as well as we were treated at Standish. So hats off to all that helped put this race on and I hope to see the new friends I made this week-end later this season.Spencer Utman #16CE
The Yamatos had no trouble with their cooling running in the cold clear water of that beautiful mountain lake.Maybe its why only one driver got wet. A wonderful spot, nice sand beach amoung stands of red pine.
Loons calling in the early morning mist
[NO, not Lila looking for Ken]
Great hospitality, no stress, well run race.
-and nothing else like a field of D Mercs lining up for the start, first race in the morning. Better than coffee!
Definitely one to go to.
SSOA, thank you.Brian Hendrick, #66 F
"the harder we try, the worser it gets"
Standish. a great early season warm up
Gongrats on a really well run race! Having made the effort
to get ready early and drive 8 hours I was pleased with the
weekend despite the weather. Three drivers and six crew
came from Ontario and Nova Scotia and everyone said they
would come again hopefully with more racers. Great effort guys.
Michael Rorke 111-CE