KG7s KG7Hs super 10 hurricanes and a few mark 5s.They all run.
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My Father in laws merc collection
Very Nice collection Bob. Brings back a few memories for myself. I had at least that many green top Mercs hanging in my barn long ago, maybe more. I sold most of them to fishermen for a fraction of what they're worth today. Gee I wish I hadn't done that. I also wish I had my old Mustang back from my glory days. But that's another story...
So Bob, I'd say you're lucky to have married into a Merc collectin' family!
Thanks for posting the photo.
Hi Jeff.Ya my father in law is a vintage merc nut.I also love the old A motor hence my user name.I wish the sorc would let the old KG4s and mark 15s run in the A class.I would pick up an A hydro in a minute for my Kg4.Mabey some day they will allow the old motors to run with the new ones.I remember some VERY fast KGs and Mark 15s.Cooper Jess and steve Warnock had some very fast KG4s.I would start racing again if i could run my kG.Tj has it and is getting her race ready for me.KG4s forever!Bob
You can run either of those motors in A mod right now.Ryan Runne
Wacusee Speedboats
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein
These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.
I ran my KG-4 in Formula-A the last year we (they-IOA) ran a race at Cold Water, MI. 2002? in Formula-A.
I agreed to stay wide if anyone close to..or close'n in on me.
In one heet, managed to sling-shot start, and catch all others sleep'n at the start.
the o'l Kg-4 held leed till some young Robb(?) or Smith(?) feller got by on last lap....
There was a couple pics of that race (with the kg-4) somewhere......?
Was one of my favorite race's ....(Yet)
O'l race motors never die....they just fit-in at a local race were the class is will'n at the driver's meet'n.......
George Stillwell and I still run KG-MOD based motors in A-MOD occasionally.....One of mine that has had a couple good laps against (and gett'n close to).... the Hot-Rods,
is a green tank motor with Quincy twin stacks......It has been a real ball-buster to keep runn'n sometimes but still a blast when it does complete 3-laps !!
Going to pull the scintilla mag this year and go back to a Phelon......
If at a race were the program is not too delayed,...I might attempt to run one in A-MOD......
But this year look'n to compete more with a closed exhaust 22-OMC in this class...........
Suggest you post well ahead here....for a race "Roll-call" for others to bring there kg-4 or stock Mark 20H to run against in A-MOD.........Try to have your motor well tested, so not to delay race....
......will save y'all some embarrasment....gett'n out there on the course after the green flag.......Flys.....
19PLast edited by STEVE FRENCH; 04-14-2007, 04:24 AM.100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >>
SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!!.............100N>>
Originally posted by STEVE FRENCH View PostO'l race motors never die....they just fit-in at a local race were the class is will'n at the driver's meet'n.......
Here's some pics of me at a nonAPBA race back in 2002.Last edited by jeff55v; 05-28-2007, 09:26 PM.