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rule proposal 21

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  • Originally posted by Dave M View Post
    I thought SO already had that. One boat for A Stock can compete with three different classes already. J, ASH, AXSH, and a fourth if they run FAH.
    Well, first, only one of those classes is in Stock. The junior classes are not comparable to 15ss and B stock. These are classes for guys that want to go do some racing, they can't run J. FAH is pretty much dead.

    Originally posted by Dave M View Post
    C Boat - Can run OSY400, Restrict it run 20SSH
    These motors won't be around forever. The Yamato 80 is 30 years old.

    Originally posted by Dave M View Post
    20 Boat - Runs in 25SH.
    This isn't really true, 20 and 25 I think are two pretty different boats.
    Ryan Runne
    Wacusee Speedboats

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

    These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


    • ?

      (quote) In a couple of years, instead of having A and C as choices, you will have A, 15, B, and C.
      shoot you have those classes now, ooh no you have A, B, 15, 20, 25, and C. And b will become 15 and 15 will become B- I think anyway. still not sure about the changing class names.

      If you built a 10' runabout boat and are a "light" driver you could currently run that boat in ASX,A,B,and 15. So 1 boat, 3 motors and whala 4 classes.
      Gene Schertz 26V
      Cranked up and ready to Roll
      Reeds for Speed!


      • Gotta hand it to ya

        I have to hand it to you. You seem to be taking a lot of heat from a lot of people about this rule and it seems like you end up defending it a lot. I really appreciate all the "Big Picture" thinking you have done. Thank you----I mean that.

        I agree that Top O' is a race to be finished and not a whole lot more. I also like the fact that right now if getting into the Hall on a dead tie would come down to a Top O' win breaker. I just wanted to be the squeaky wheel on the Top O' issue because what little recognition here is for winning the race will be taken away because ultimately, some of the classes we race will only be regional or gone in a number of years.

        Even though I LOVE the original Hot Rod and think all the people that whine about it not starting in the water are crazy, I hope to god the new "B" motor has the punch and is a viable class for me and other people that are my size, and don't want to race over sized, side fin C's. I saw the test online and was impressed that it was a real thing that might take off. I was also impressed with the reports that it is already a stable motor that did not blow, even in the first time trial! I just wish it was still rotary though, that was unique.

        My worries are still there about the proposed rule and especially the new motor but I will have to wait and see. I will admit, it is tough when the changes might change the way you do things. I wish id did like C and was gung ho about that class, Then the changes that will inevitably happen would not worry me so much. If things NEED to change.........It is what it is..........Good or bad I guess.

        Ryan, or any one, Wat are the big picture goals? Would it be too far to say four classes ABCD in the future, maybe??? Not bad if you think about it. Only if the differences between the four classes would be distinct and for different weights of drivers. We mess around with that so much now and it is such a deal breaker with regards to what class you can run. I wish there was an easier way. What do you think?
        There's nothing like rolling up a runabout!


        • Ok boys get your rule books out. Page 34 #C at the top. Once the SORC approves the rule like we did in LA. We need to send out a ballot and get the memberships vote on it. Ed is doing what is stated in the rule book so this was not just sent out because someone said they thought it would ba a good thing to do. This is a hard fast rule when it comes to passing rules that could potentailly eliminate a class. We actually with the way the new rule was passed it allows more time for a class to be brought back to a national status than the way the rule book reads. So in short who ever wondered why it was made a ballot item the rule book clears that up. Lets get the boat counts up by finding these so called motors or rigs. If the general public isn't going to sign up for these classes then we are beating a dead horse. We run them locally like we currently do and no one is left on the beach. Lets look ahead instead of short term. Its going to make Stock Outboard the place to come race in the future. Mike
          mike ross
          mike ross


          • Ryan, the truth as it seems to me is this. If you put 5 people together they can rarely agree what kind of BEER to buy LOL. let alone something like this!. I feel people have been very good about voicing there opinions and concerns in a constructive way. There is one issue about this that bothers me the most. I keep seeing Reference to the long term plan yet no one seems to want to spell out what that long term plan actually is. I am not trying to bash ANYONE it just seems that IF there is a plan why has it not been shared?


            • History

              I’ve seen this all before, the ultimate plan to save the sport. Does anyone study history? Yes, new motors mean growth in the class, but does that growth mean new drivers or the current drivers just racing anther class. Proposal 21 is a bad idea. Is losing 50 drivers that only run DSR, BSR, and 25SSH a good thing for our sport? The wording of the Proposal sent out to drivers was wrong, vote no and get the wording right before we change anything. I see no exception for the B class, Sidewinder class, so after this season if there isn’t 35 drivers that class is established as a local class.

              Vote No on Proposal 21

              Silence Dogood
              15SSR because all other classes require side fins.


              • I have remained silent for awhile now, but..........

                Originally posted by mike ross View Post
                Ok let me refresh everyones memory. Here is what was approved in LA. It doesn't eliminate any class from being run as we run today. If you fall below the minumum 35 number you are now a local class. If John Runne would post the way the classes would look going forward it might help everyone see were there class might look like in the future. You can see this rule doesn't even effect us this year. After next year is when we start looking at boat counts. It gives us 2 years to get any class with low numbers up. The D class has to start buying engines and come racing if it is to stay a National Class. It can run at the Marathon Nationals for ever, I suggested to the race committee for the marathon to invite MBRA and AOF. This might bring some of those drivers over to increase our numbers and help some of the lower number classes. Maybee all race committes should look at inviting the 2 other racing divisions to come and run with us. The below was from the minutes in LA pertaining to this new rule we need to pass. We also passed a 5 year steering committe to moniter and watch and change if needed as we go along. Get them boats ready and lets go racing!!!!! Mike

                p. Discussion of SO Long Term Plan:

                John Runne and his steering committee to give there ideas as well as the SORC and VP

                Motion made to except John Runne’s Minimum participation Proposal Affective Nov 1 2007.
                Motion – Passes

                A. In Order for a racing class to be recognized with National standing and be eligible for all awards for a racing season, there must be at least 35 participants in the preceding racing year.
                B, Participants will be defined as any driver who garnered points in a SO class during the racing year.
                C. Should a class not have 35 participants in a racing year, the class will be deemed a local/regional class for the next racing year. The class will not be eligible for National High Points, National Championships, Winter Nationals Championships, Divisional Championships, Waldman & Menzies Awards. Further, no activity in the class will count toward the Hall of Champion points.
                D. If the class reaches a minimum of 35 participants in the year it is designated as a local/regional class, it will be reinstated as a National class for the next year. If a SO class falls below 35 participants for 2 consecutive years, that class will remain as a Local/Divisional class and be placed on probation. To be removed from Probation and return to National standing for the for the next racing season, a class must meet the minimum of 35 participants during the Probationary year.

                Motion made to have a Steering Committee for the next 5 years. Motion - Passes

                Mike states "the D class has to start buying engines and come racing if it is to stay a National Class."

                ..............well that is a bunch of horse****............for the D class members to start buying engines, the SORC (D parity committee) needs to get their heads out of their asses and make it desirable for the D members to buy a NEW engine, i.e> Tohatsu............with the bull**** handicap the motor has been attached with by the SORC, why would anyone want to buy a Tohatsu? Get real guys and think what is best for the class, not what is best for YOU! The necessary facts were provided by several people and Mr. Wartinger, but they were again ignored, for no reason...........

                this ballot measure is totally ridiculous.........as of right now, it is the SORC that is hurting the D classes....not the members..............

                and the SORC (parity committee) is discussing "modifications" to be allowed to the Bass lower unit, versus adjusting the height restriction. WTF??? Did you not whine about the 102/302 Yamato gearcase blueprinting allowed Mr. Hern? Now it is being considered an option to be allowed to the Bass unit? Mr. Bass has busted his ass to provide a COMPLETE NEW D motor (in the Tohatsu) and make it affordable, now the idea of modifying the unit to handle better adds additional costs to the manufacturer or owner???????


                Team Darneille



                • Originally posted by mercguy View Post
                  Mike states "the D class has to start buying engines and come racing if it is to stay a National Class."

                  ..............well that is a bunch of horse****............for the D class members to start buying engines, the SORC (D parity committee) needs to get their heads out of their asses and make it desirable for the D members to buy a NEW engine, i.e> Tohatsu............with the bull**** handicap the motor has been attached with by the SORC, why would anyone want to buy a Tohatsu? Get real guys and think what is best for the class, not what is best for YOU! The necessary facts were provided by several people and Mr. Wartinger, but they were again ignored, for no reason...........

                  this ballot measure is totally ridiculous.........as of right now, it is the SORC that is hurting the D classes....not the members..............

                  and the SORC (parity committee) is discussing "modifications" to be allowed to the Bass lower unit, versus adjusting the height restriction. WTF??? Did you not whine about the 102/302 Yamato gearcase blueprinting allowed Mr. Hern? Now it is being considered an option to be allowed to the Bass unit? Mr. Bass has busted his ass to provide a COMPLETE NEW D motor (in the Tohatsu) and make it affordable, now the idea of modifying the unit to handle better adds additional costs to the manufacturer or owner???????
                  Did you ever stop to think, maybe there just aren't that many people that want to run DSR? Maybe there just isn't a demand for that class anymore. Jesus Christ, there are only about 5 guys in the country that run this class more than once a year. Is that a nationally viable class? Maybe everything isn't the SORC's fault. Maybe Mr. Bass busted his ass trying to fix the wrong class. I tend to think that the D class is beyond fixing. C is the new D. Oh, you mispelled Ed's name, it's Hearn. One more thing, let's not forget that the evil SORC did pass rules just 3 months ago that will promote more equal competition between the Tohatsu and Merc.
                  Ryan Runne
                  Wacusee Speedboats

                  "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                  These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


                  • Originally posted by speedracer024 View Post
                    I’ve seen this all before, the ultimate plan to save the sport. Does anyone study history? Yes, new motors mean growth in the class, but does that growth mean new drivers or the current drivers just racing anther class. Proposal 21 is a bad idea. Is losing 50 drivers that only run DSR, BSR, and 25SSH a good thing for our sport? The wording of the Proposal sent out to drivers was wrong, vote no and get the wording right before we change anything. I see no exception for the B class, Sidewinder class, so after this season if there isn’t 35 drivers that class is established as a local class.

                    Vote No on Proposal 21

                    Silence Dogood
                    Please read the rule, no drivers will be lost. There is time built in for all these classes to reach the minimum standards. If the class can still not survive, I would guess that most drivers will expand into another class rather than quit, I know that I would.

                    As far as the exemptions for the Sidewinder classes, please re-read some of my previous posts. Those exemptions cannot be passed until the motors are legal, that will be almost a year at least.
                    Ryan Runne
                    Wacusee Speedboats

                    "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                    These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


                    • Originally posted by mercguy View Post
                      and the SORC (parity committee) is discussing "modifications" to be allowed to the Bass lower unit, versus adjusting the height restriction. WTF??? Did you not whine about the 102/302 Yamato gearcase blueprinting allowed Mr. Hern? Now it is being considered an option to be allowed to the Bass unit? Mr. Bass has busted his ass to provide a COMPLETE NEW D motor (in the Tohatsu) and make it affordable, now the idea of modifying the unit to handle better adds additional costs to the manufacturer or owner???????
                      If this is true... that we are considering allowing modifications to the lower unit you guys are nuts. Have we not learned our lessons over the past years. Do not go down that road again. Find a better way to do whatever it is you want to do. Don't start allowing stock equipment to be modified!
                      "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                      Don Allen


                      • Hmmmm

                        This is all Great stuff........


                        • This is the first I've heard of that kind of action. Maybe somebody asked about that as a possibility but I'm pretty sure it hasn't gone any farther than that. I would hope none of the commissioners would even consider that option. Put it out of your mind, it is not an option. John 2-Z
                          John Runne

                          Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                          True parity is one motor per class.

                          It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                          NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                          • Originally posted by ryan_4z View Post
                            ADD: Why is it that everytime a new rule comes out people say they are quitting, instead of dealing with it. That seams a pretty chickensh*t to me.
                            Thats funny you would say that when it isn't one of your classes with the low numbers.

                            Tell me what classes these guys would go to if DSR was cut, you telling me a 250+ guy is going to run C?

                            Look at your BSR drivers half of them only run BSR, reason the ride, I sure hope the SORC knows what its doing putting all of its eggs in one basket.
                            15SSR because all other classes require side fins.


                            • Originally posted by speedracer024 View Post
                              Thats funny you would say that when it isn't one of your classes with the low numbers.

                              Tell me what classes these guys would go to if DSR was cut, you telling me a 250+ guy is going to run C?

                              Look at your BSR drivers half of them only run BSR, reason the ride, I sure hope the SORC knows what its doing putting all of its eggs in one basket.
                              There is a reason I don't run a class with low numbers, I like the challenge of running the toughest class.

                              Mike Ross is 250+ pounds, why don't you tell him he can't run CSR.
                              Ryan Runne
                              Wacusee Speedboats

                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                              These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.


                              • Mike

                                Ya can run CSR , but you will really have to work for it

