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rule proposal 21

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  • Bill, Try to petition the OPC commission to change the rules. I don't know that they would but it may solve the problem. John
    John Runne

    Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

    True parity is one motor per class.

    It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

    NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


    • Originally posted by dholt View Post
      <snip> ...Perhaps every class will grow, if the number of options to choose from was decreased.
      Nicely stated Dana ... a glimpse of the obvious as they say!
      Untethered from reality!


      • Change in points

        Since this thread has gotten more and more off topic as we go, I will add to the muddy waters.
        I beleive this was brought up before and this is the answer I remember:

        APBA scores points one way (the current way) - for free. If a category wants to change the way points are collected, the category must pay the cost of doing this. I have no idea how much that would be, what would be required to capture a new point system or what training our scorers would need to have to supply a new point system to APBA.

        Just thought I would toss this into the mix.
        Brian 10s


        • Dr. Thunder, We were under the impression that this was not going to ballot. Regardless, what has gone to ballot is incomplete. John 2-Z
          John Runne

          Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

          True parity is one motor per class.

          It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

          NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


          • really?

            Originally posted by bill boyes View Post
            Kevin. Run sst45 more than once a day you say. Read OPC rule 11(1) pg 57. What can be done is 2 heats of 6 laps ea and then a final heat of say 20 laps.
            i don't know where your 6, 6 & 20 come from. you could run 15, 15, and 30 laps. that would be plenty of racing for anyone i know in a single day. and then you could do it again the next day. that entry fee would be worth a few more dollars i would think. or you could run 3 or 4 heats that count towards 1 race. and the starts could be flag, clock, lemans...
            also, it looks like there is a loophole with the new timed/marathon event (rule 12). i don't see why it couldn't be run additionally.
            be creative. i don't think 45ss is this necessity it's being made out to be here. sst45 could run for hours a day... and in several formats to the driver's liking.

            is points what you're worried about? let me ask the expert, ron, if points in 2 categories vs. 1 equals 'STATUS'...?


            • Originally posted by csh2z View Post
              Dr. Thunder, We were under the impression that this was not going to ballot. Regardless, what has gone to ballot is incomplete. John 2-Z
              Then what was the intended action that was to be taken after the motion was approved by the SORC?

              Who authorized the ballot to be issued?

              Who reviewed the ballot language before it was sent to the membership?

              If this was simply an administrative staff "screw up" then re-call the ballot.
              Untethered from reality!


              • Clarification

                45SST hasn't raced at the SO Nationals since 2000.

                Although they have staged their own Championship event in the past few years.


                • If the ballot does not reflect what was proposed. then why not ask everyone to vote it down and start over ? I can not help but feel the ballot AS WRITTEN will hamstring a new builder. on that subject WHERES THE BEEF as the old commercial said. Does anyone know anything new on availability of the sidewinder?


                  • Originally posted by race4kaos View Post
                    i don't know where your 6, 6 & 20 come from. you could run 15, 15, and 30 laps. that would be plenty of racing for anyone i know in a single day. and then you could do it again the next day. that entry fee would be worth a few more dollars i would think. or you could run 3 or 4 heats that count towards 1 race. and the starts could be flag, clock, lemans...
                    also, it looks like there is a loophole with the new timed/marathon event (rule 12). i don't see why it couldn't be run additionally.
                    be creative. i don't think 45ss is this necessity it's being made out to be here. sst45 could run for hours a day... and in several formats to the driver's liking.

                    is points what you're worried about? let me ask the expert, ron, if points in 2 categories vs. 1 equals 'STATUS'...?
                    Kevin, read the OPC rule book. In OPC less than 6 laps if you DNF no points earned for the heat. If 6 or more laps and a boat DNF's still get scored by nbr of laps completed and earn points. I was just using 6 laps as an example whereas st45 could run 3 heats. But not 2 seperate races as you suggested.
                    bill b


                    • Originally posted by csh2z View Post
                      Bill, Try to petition the OPC commission to change the rules. I don't know that they would but it may solve the problem. John
                      Yes it would
                      bill b


                      • Do 2 wrongs make a right???

                        Originally posted by csh2z View Post
                        Dr. Thunder, We were under the impression that this was not going to ballot. Regardless, what has gone to ballot is incomplete. John 2-Z
                        John, I'm with the Good Doctor on this one: I was in LA, sat through your proposal to the Commission, and I feel like I know what the steering committee's plan for the future is. the ballot proposal that was mailed out is not consistent with the letter or the intent of what your steering committee intended, whether by typographical error or inelegant wordsmithing. It ain't what I remember hearing in LA.

                        With that in mind, why can't this ballot item be declared null and void, and re-mailed out correctly?

                        Oh, that's right....that would probably make too much sense. Or cost too much money. Probably both.


                        PS--For the record, I will be voting against this as it is currently stated.

                        "No, THAT is why people hate him."


                        • These classes can still run

                          Removing a class as a national class does not mean that it can not run and build itself up; it does not mean that Ron Hill can't run 36 runabout right now for crying out loud; Alan Stoker obviously left stock racing for bigger things -- most of which supported his business -- which 36 runabout or stock outboarding NEVER did.


                          • Maybe...

                            Stoker was a Chrysler dealer... So was Schwarzenbach...

                            Here is my brother's point system I tried to get it approved in 1977, and try about every five years...

                            See, THE RUSS HILL point system encourages ppeople to race, as you can get points if only one boats races (Combine classes), or you can get more points if 12 boats run....

                            I'm leaving for Seattle...and will talk 45 parts later....

                            But, as I understand it, Ric Montoya has 90 302 Yamatos in stock.....So, motors should not be a problem......for C Runabout....

                            This system would only be used for National points. Races would still be 400, 300, 225 system...Piece of cake for a computer.
                            Attached Files


                            • There's Stock karaoke Champion?

                              I wonder if anybody cares, I know I don’t, but here’s my side of the story.

                              I race A, 20, C, OSY & 45.

                              Remember the tuck rule in ASH? It didn’t affect me at all.

                              Remember the height rule in CSH? Hasn’t affected us at all.

                              My OSY weight is 415 lbs – that’s funny because I weigh 130 lbs suited and wet.

                              With 45, if this rule passed, it probably won’t affect me at all either.

                              I race what I race because it’s all fun for me.

                              Today, stock 45 exists in SOA and CORA racing because of my mother. My father raced a while back and was hurt very badly. I was just starting to race J. The only way my father was able to appease my mother was to drive a capsule boat, which leads to a question: What capsule class can race at a stock sanctioned event, where, at the same time, a J can also race? (to be noted later)

                              I also remember when the J class began using the APBA’s supplied propellers – that did affect me. My family did not race for approximately 10 + years because of that rule. (I did, however, race other type of vehicles, won and was paid very well for doing so – stark contrast to boating.)

                              Where do I find myself now? Boating! Because I love it!

                              Perhaps we are very fortunate in the NW to have a safety crew at a high majority of our races that are fully dive-certified making the running of a capsule boat already a sunk cost. In cir***stances where the capsule boats do not plan to attend, we inform the race director, giving them a chance to negotiate/plan for a new rescue crew if they deem it necessary.

                              I can’t say that, people have a personal vendetta against the 45 stock class or the DSR or the BSR; I haven’t talked to everybody and asked for their opinions (funny thing is, I think the amount of time some people spend on here, they could call everybody in S/M/P)

                              I do know that I just sold a boat to be used as a DSR. I do know that I have never seen a hot-rod engine. I do know “Mod” in the NW (besides DMH +) is code for a stock saying “I want more racing time this weekend” or “I need to time my starts” I do know that Yelm, WA is the worst place ever to watch a 4-boat AXSH heat on a 1 2/3 course. I do know that I have three 45’s and I can skew the 45 participation numbers dramatically in a single weekend. I do know that a super majority of the 45’s in the NW, race 45 because its safe in their eyes and it works (or will work) with their child’s racing future (see above).

                              Like I said earlier, either way, I’ll deal with the rules outcome (as originally written or as how out ballot states) I’m one of the “35 or more” to be affected by it.

                              John, 2003, 2004, 2005 Pushboat Champion.


                              • The exemptions have absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you should vote for this new rule. The exemptions are only temporary. If there needs to be one for DSH then that can be discussed later. The exemptions won't go into effect until the motor is officially a legal motor. The time frames will have to be determined by motor sales during the probationary period. This rule is bigger than all of that. I see us raising the number incrimentally over the years as Stock Outboard grows to numbers it saw only in it's heyday. If we don't raise the bar, we will only continue on the downward spiral. We have to expect more of ourselves. There are promotional projects in the works. We have to plan for growth. If we don't believe that we will grow, we will remain stagnant the way we have for 15 years. What we are doing now isn't working, let's try to copy what worked before.
                                Ryan Runne
                                Wacusee Speedboats

                                "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                                These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.

