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Responsibilities of the SORC

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  • Responsibilities of the SORC

    I think that there are a lot of people here who don't completely understand the resposibilities of the SORC. Our greatest reponsibility is to preserve our sport for the future. Stock Outboard is grassroots racing. It's the entry-level category for APBA. New racers should be able to go buy new equipment, and be able to race with the fastest guys out there. In keeping with this mentality, sometimes we have to make decisions that we know will not be popular among the current membership. We also know that we can lose a few members by making these kinds of changes, but we have to ask ourselves how many potential boat racers we have lost because they couldn't buy competitive equipment. Many times over the last 20-25 years commissioners have failed to make the necessary changes for fear of disapproval by the membership. Case in point, the CSH transom height decision. The 302 is the newer, in-production, motor, and the 102 is becoming less viable due to lack of parts. The available motor must be the motor that is winning, otherwise people getting into the sport can have no real expectations of success. New racers cannot currently buy equipment that is good enough to win the Nationals. They can get equipment that will be competitive weekend to weekend. A new racer cannot go buy a 302 and beat guys like Joe Pater, Donny Allen, Scott Clark, or Shannon Bowman. This rule helps to level the playing field, which is always our goal in Stock Outboard. This issue should have been addressed when the C stock and the C2 classes were combined. We are trying to correct the oversights of the past.

    Growth in Stock Outboard for the last 15 years has been stagnant. If we maintain the status quo we will see no improvement. In order to grow, changes are absolutely necessary. The steps we have taken during this annual meeting are only the first of many that we will take in the future. With the adoption of the Steering Committee's plan, the SORC has taken it's first step in designing the future of Stock Outboard. This is not going to be a quick or easy process, and we may make some mistakes. To do nothing would be the biggest mistake. We now have a direction to work towards.

    Spineless Dolt
    John Runne

    Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

    True parity is one motor per class.

    It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

    NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.

  • #2
    Amen Farmer! Let's move towards the future....
    Shawn Breisacher


    • #3
      Let me see if I get this right. We have been running 102 motors and 302 motors with a 1/2 inch limit. The 302 hasn't had success at a Nationals level. So the wonderful SORC determines that lowering the height for both is supposed to change things? Since the gearcases for both are fairly similar- yes I've tested both on the same rig-lowering both the same amount is supposed to slow the 102 down more than it will slow down the 302?

      Why don't you add genius to your title? The others seem fitting.


      • #4
        I commend you and the SORC. You may have made a ton of enemies from the results of this meeting, but you have at least one supporter in me. Most people that are responding negatively (most but definately not all) are CSH drivers that run Y102s and are being selfish. They are bashing the SORC out of their own interests and not of the sport. These people's selfishness may be a reason why they are not involved in the politics of the sport. I know I hope to be a part of politics in the APBA and CBF in the future (college gets in the way).
        And don't think I'm not going to be effected by these changes also. Once the Sidewinder becomes the dominant motor in 20ssh my Y80 is going to have a hard time winning, but I rather invest in a new engine eventually than see this sport die.
        If you have any personal angst against my comments then I would rather you e-mail me or send a private message about how I am wrong than post public slander.
        Last edited by stu_racing; 01-29-2007, 06:17 PM. Reason: clarification
        Spencer Utman #16CE


        • #5
          I wrote this and put it on the wrong post, correct me if I am wrong!

          The conclusion that I have made before and after the meeting is that the current drivers are not to made a top priority in this years meeting. In achieving the SO APBA that can sell itself and make it easier for the newcomers in the future(not the newcomers now) they (SORC) have made some changes that will, and possibly are, going to effect the current racers negatively. Current racers are going to have to make sacrifices to unsure the future and longevity of this sport. If you are not making changes to your equipment at the end of every year you are most likely not making posts on this Website and if you are, you are the minority. There is going to be changes and I'm sure more in the coming years, but if your not willing to sacrifice for the future of the sport that raised most of us in it, that is a real shame. I am sure the Steering Committee has a great balance of both present and future racers in there plan. Being made up of both veterans and newcomers, the steering committee will and do have some great ideas.

          Faster and faster might not be a good thing. There needs to be a way that someone can enter the sport and be competitive right of the beach without dumping loads of money and research into it. That would make this sport more appealing to outsiders, attainable goals with in the first year and with in monetarily reasonable means. Also, making the boats easier to drive and handle would be a good move(ie:3/4 CSH rule), for the same reason.


          • #6
            A plan is long overdue

            How many other motorsports are there that run motors that are over 10 years old? We have had the luxury of not having to constantly keep up with newer technologies in our motors that force us to keep upgrading to remain competitive.
            Does, motorcycle racing use old motors, go-carts, sprint cars, etc., etc.
            We need to be able to offer current and future members a means to purchase current production equipment, that is reasonably equal. The top drivers, and top speed achievers will continue to be such as they have amassed the knowledge and determination to be the winners they are.

            Example: There was a time when I had more speed than my team-mate---
            John Runne. I have yet to score a victory over him, as he has the experience I lack. I once told him and it is true today that if I could trade my extra speed for what he had in experience I would do it in a second.

            John, and the members of the steering commitee are taking on a difficult task, yet a task that needs to be undertaken. I have listened to him at length about his ideas and goals for SO. I believe the steering commitee has the right mixture of experience and youth to develop a sound plan for the future of our sport.
            If anyone has thier own ideas I am certain the commitee is interested and welcomes the input. Use your passion for productivity, not for complaints.

            Dennis Burke
            CSH 21Z


            • #7

              So....Do I need to watch my backside at future events? I am honestly suprised at the amount of venom that is being directed at the SORC over such a minor issue...folks, were are talking about 1/4 inch....isn't there more important things in the world (and I mean things other then racing) going on. I am actually embarrassed by some of the posts people are putting here...really makes me want to spend 1000s of my own dollars to attend another national meeting... Hey folks...to all of you that are coming unglued over this...you take the time to become a commisioner and attend the meeting...become part of the process..Racer dave


              • #8
                Originally posted by csh2z View Post
                *** New racers should be able to go buy new equipment, and be able to race with the fastest guys out there. In keeping with this mentality, sometimes we have to make decisions that we know will not be popular among the current membership. ***Spineless Dolt
                John: I absolutely agree. Can you explain to me why you did not support restricting the obsolete OMC A in order to allow the new Merc A to be competitive in the A classes? I applaud your support of the height restriction in the CSH class inasmuch as you have been successful with the 102. Ed.

                "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by daveracerdsh View Post
                  So....Do I need to watch my backside at future events? I am honestly suprised at the amount of venom that is being directed at the SORC over such a minor issue***Racer dave
                  Dave: Wait till you run the nationals. You ain't seen nothin' yet! Ed.

                  "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 14-H View Post
                    John: I absolutely agree. Can you explain to me why you did not support restricting the obsolete OMC A in order to allow the new Merc A to be competitive in the A classes? I applaud your support of the height restriction in the CSH class inasmuch as you have been successful with the 102. Ed.
                    Ed- You must contact the right person to obtain what you need for the OMC "A". You have my #, use it when needed.

                    "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hydroplay View Post
                      *** Since the gearcases for both are fairly similar- ***.
                      Sam: I was born at night, but not last night. Similar ain't equal. I don't run this class but the difference between similar and equal was enough for me. If you're right, and similar = equal, I guess the next SORC can put the 302 back to 1/2" and leave the 102 at 3/4". That's not the info I am privy to, though. Genious, I'm not; gullible, I'm not either. Eddie.

                      "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bbackus17w View Post
                        Ed- You must contact the right person to obtain what you need for the OMC "A". You have my #, use it when needed.

                        Brent: I need an entire engine. That wasn't my point. I can't wait to introduce you to Darren at the R10 nationals. I'm bringing a lawn chair and video recorder. Ed.

                        "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


                        • #13

                          Lol...actually...I have been pretty impressed with the way people have been working on nationals..yah, there has been some disagreements, but nothing to bad. I think most people are pretty excited about it. Ed...did you get pvt message I sent you? Dave


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 14-H View Post
                            Brent: I need an entire engine. That wasn't my point. I can't wait to introduce you to Darren at the R10 nationals. I'm bringing a lawn chair and video recorder. Ed.
                            We actually do know one another....bring your Jeff Gordon lawn chair so I can put it under the front of my boat cart!!

                            "You gotta do the work"- Pop Trolian


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by hydroplay View Post
                              Let me see if I get this right. We have been running 102 motors and 302 motors with a 1/2 inch limit. The 302 hasn't had success at a Nationals level. So the wonderful SORC determines that lowering the height for both is supposed to change things? Since the gearcases for both are fairly similar- yes I've tested both on the same rig-lowering both the same amount is supposed to slow the 102 down more than it will slow down the 302?

                              Why don't you add genius to your title? The others seem fitting.

                              Don't you think that the higher torque of the 302 would help it run better, at a lower height, than the 102? Take this into consideration, as well as the fact that the run to the first turn at the Nationals was shortened from 1500' to 1000', that will go a long way in helping to get a 302 to win the Nationals.
                              Ryan Runne
                              Wacusee Speedboats

                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge"--Albert Einstein

                              These days, I find it easier to look up to my youngers than my elders.

