Im 27 years old.I started a small buisness(MAKESHIFTBOATS) last summer restoring,and repairing old boats.Ive been to all the hydroplane races during 2006 I could attend in Michigan.I made some friends,and I got all the information I could soak in.Im totally independant with intentions of racing,and starting my own team as a method to get my friends and family involved.I would very much like to help popularize this sport,and create at least a public awareness.I grew up on the water with a Mercury pushing me around.Thats where I developed the fever.Now I have an old modified 55h on an 11 1/2' hydro.Plus I bought an A stock hydro which I have motors for.I just need to find a foot.For me to be on the water this season I have to aquire a suit,jacket,and helmet.Wish me luck.Being very ambitious and driven as I am,Id like to add that I promice to get alot of people involved and put alot of new drivers in raceboats during my career.Any advice,encouragement,or assistance will be greatly appreciated.We call ourselves MAKESHIFT RACING and the concept came from our ability to do what we can with what we got and make alot out of a little.Look for us at Kent Lake in Brighton.We will be building our first boats this year.
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Thank you for the reply.I too have dabbled in some light fabrication,and design.''Necessity''and''invention''.I problem solve for the team to overcome obstacles.Currently I have P.A.W.REMODELING doing all of my woodwork.I have hired a specialist to do all custom fabrication.Jim O'brian,an MMI grad,is our marine engine specialist,and I personally have focused on the marketing,advertising,growth,and development of this interest of mine.My interests include outboards and engine building.Stock and modified outboard hydroplane racing has just recently become my obsession,as I was told that it would.My introduction to outbord racing was at the 1992 Bay Ciity River Roar,from there this''obsession''has developed into a hopeful career choice for me and so much more.Further I seriously intend to obtain a respectable number of raceboats.I have five new racers on my team looking to try this sport for the first time.I intend to fully assist raceboat 61-s and 391-s in there racing pursuits because I accredit my promising future in the boating industry to the warm welcome,hospitality,and introduction they gave me last summer at the various events held in Michigan respectively Constantine.I need custom engine work and parts for the Merc 900 we are currently working on.I log and file all contacts and will certainly remain in touch.MAKESHIFT.....
Rob Lotridge (517)391 4303 I am a promoter of the sport of SO/MOD hydroplane racing,but other then that Id say I primarily promote MAKESHIFTBOATS and MAKESHIFT RACING.What it boils down to is I desperately desire to race boats and in creating a budget to do so we stumbled into a vast build and repair industry just by uniting a unique group of people together.Its like a dream.
I have a Dmod motor and boat lacking a steering wheel Im in the market for.I have two stock 15 hp johnson fishing outboards that need throttle linkage brackets,gear foot and the works,but i figure with the MAKESHIFT budget in mind its a start.I have negotiated for a Cmod hydro i intend to purchase in the spring.I tryed to clear it in the budget to buy Joe Z. 25SS HYDRO BUT THE WIFE MENTIONED SOMETHING ABOUT OUR DAUGHTER and bringing trees inside or something sooo...with that in mind Kevin will fit real well in a C class boat,Chuck is a thrill seeker looking to join the hundred mile an hour club,Ill spend the night with it if there is a Mercury on the back,and the Yamato engine just caught my attention.Scottcraft advertises them within our reach so Im really open to anything we can stretch for within the allowance.Pete,Fred,Dylan and a list of MAKESHIFT assosiates show interest in participating.Ive also got this old hydro 13' long with a round front as apposed to being a picklefork.We toy around with a Merc 350 on it.I use it as a training boat.I dont know if i can do much more then that with it
FEH rig for sale
I have a complete, ready to go, Formula E hydro rig for sale. This might satisfy the needs of your thrill seeking friend. Competetive and stable and closely nearby in Indy.
Some Help For You
I live in Battle Creek and build composit parts, right now mainly nose pieces, soon much more. So if you need any help on boats let me know, I have built some race boats in my day. Still active racer in SEH in the NBRA, and 350CCH alkie this year.
You probably already know Shaun O'Leary in Marshal, I think we all met in Constantine last year at the stocker race.
DaveDave Mason
Just A Boat Racer
We are in Lansing.I was in Constantine last year with my daughter, my wife ,and a few friends.I bought the A hydro from Kevin.I stuck close to Bob S. and Mike Marshall under their tent in the rain.We pulled our car up on the beach so my guests could stay dry. Mike put me to work right away which was more then I could have asked for,a dream come true.I really appreciate all the folks reaching out to us to lend MAKESHIFTBOATS a hand.Believe me Im trying my best to keep moving successfully in the right direction.
please contact local clubs
great to have you aboard. please go to and/or and get in touch with the leadership of these two clubs. they will help point you in the right direction as far as classes/equipment goes and will save you some money and aggrivation. hope to see you this summer.
BillSupport your local club and local races.
Bill Pavlick
I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII