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Why there is the APBA

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  • Why there is the APBA

    For over a month now I have been reading post blasting the APBA, Steve Hern, Ed Hern Yada, yada, yada. To all of the indaviduals who just put out plain garbage, please look at the history of boat racing, the APBA, the UIM and then understand what they have done for the sport over the coarse of almost 100 years.

    Boat racing dirived from sail boat racing (otherwise rich people). There were a group of indaviduals who had the foresight to take and bring all the different clubs, regions, and types of boats under one governing body and got them to agree to play under the same rules. Not to many other forms of motor sports allow you to race in your back yard for a national high point championchip. The difference between then and now is people worked to make the APBA better, and now all people seem to do is complain and try and break it apart. You need to understand the past, what priciples where used, why things where done the way they were before you can say this is wrong, or that is wrong. What is wrong in one region, may not be wrong in another, the United States is a big country, allot of diffent type of inviroments, conditions exists etc..etc..

    To be able to make everybody happy there has to be compromise on a national level, other wise if we ran everything like its done on the east coast the west coast guys and gals would just shake their heads and never be able to hold a race, or visa versa. The thing to do is work to fix what are real problems not percieved problems. APBA is there to govern not promote boat racing, promotion is what should be done at local, or regional levels. If the APBA could promote, what should they promote? There are how many divisions, regions, classes. What they can do is govern, set rules, have apeals hearings. Here is a questioon for you, how many apeals held by NASCAR do you realy think have been ruled in favor of the team, or person apealing the penalty. I would bet to guess none, NASCAR is a privatly owned bussiness, the appeal procces there is just to say they have one. In the APBA you are able to apeal all the way up to the board of commisioners, and there have been many times they have overturned a rulling.

    The problem is the APBA is a political proccess, you have to play by rules and go through a set of standards to get things changed or ruled upon, people take things personel when they don't get their way. What they need to understand is maybe everybody else doesn't see things their way, it's not a personel attack on them just there has to be enough people who feel the same to make the change happen.

    So my point is, quit slandering people, the APBA, and whoever else you feel is the reason we have problems. Understand the history and work to make things better from within, it will take time, patience, and courage

    Remember these three things

    Honor-what makes civilised men
    Integrity-what is needed to make the first work
    Courage-what is needed to uphold the first two

    My two cents


  • #2
    Somewhat Agree


    I somewhat agree with you. Bashing of people should not happen. But there are personal attacks on this site. SOmeone who is attacked has a right to defend themselves. Were I Jo Patter I would have been at the gas station fueling up for a road trip to Flordia to defend my integrity personally.

    Your comments, Nascar is privately owned, hence why they can govern it as the business partners see fit. APBA is not privately held, so you have a lot of people who are running the show who vary in opinions. This makes it difficult as I am sure you can see. One other fact, APBA can change a rule instantly, as long as you can get it through as a saftey issue, it is passed and effective immediately.
    Dave Mason
    Just A Boat Racer


    • #3
      Good point Dave

      I think in a nut shell what I am trying to say is we sometimes want APBA to do more than it is intended to do, when this does not happen we get upset. By understanding what it is supposed to do, we can work the real issues, this would go for any oraganization, AOF, USTS etc...etc...

      There is a diference between governing and promoting, I belive the charter for the APBA is the governing of motor boat racing, not the promoting of it. Yes the APBA can promote, but that is not its first job. This would apply to AOF for excample, what is their charter, it may of been more along the lines of promoting instead of governing.

      Good healthy debate has never hurt anything, there are some really good ideas and some people who truly have their heart in the right place. For anything to get done no matter what it is it needs to be placed in the right arena. Trying to force the APBA into promotion may not be the answer, there may be better people able to do this, maybe a seperate fund set up for the sole promotion of S.O. kinda like the the building fund was done, when you join there is a block you can check for say 10 dollars to S.O. promotional fund. Then pay people who do that sort of thing to do what they do best, the rest of us just concentrate on making a good product for whoever they attract to buy into.



      • #4
        Respectfully disagree ... in part!

        Originally posted by Blackhawkguy
        For over a month now I have been reading post blasting the APBA, Steve Hern, Ed Hern Yada, yada, yada. To all of the indaviduals who just put out plain garbage, please look at the history of boat racing, the APBA, the UIM and then understand what they have done for the sport over the coarse of almost 100 years.

        Actually Kerry, very few members are saying anything negative about APBA... just a few malcontents ... every organization has those individuals... their opinions always have value but matter only when they represent the membership majority.

        <snip> APBA is there to govern not promote...

        Not true ... the object of the (APBA) is to promote the racing and use of powered water craft and the improvement of their design and construction.
        At least according the the APBA ByLaws (ARTICLE II,Sec. 2.1)
        Untethered from reality!


        • #5
          Thank you

          Thank you for actualy quoting the by laws, I do not have a copy of them in fromt of me. Yes I know most of the membership does not bad mouth the APBA, but there seams to be a kinda (why are they not doing more, what can they do) We are they, if we do not give the ellected leaders a clear path to follow then they are forced to leave things the status quo. The hardest thing for them to do is adaption of new racing motors, and what to do with the old. The next is implimentation of rules concerning boat design, motor design, or restictions for safety or parity. One dumd question, is the by law you quoted part of the original charter or was it added later?

          Thanks again, I try to keep facts straight. My whole point was keeping ourselves focused on what we really can do, and then, how do we do it.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Blackhawkguy
            Thank you for actualy quoting the by laws, I do not have a copy of them in fromt of me. Yes I know most of the membership does not bad mouth the APBA, but there seams to be a kinda (why are they not doing more, what can they do) We are they, if we do not give the ellected leaders a clear path to follow then they are forced to leave things the status quo. The hardest thing for them to do is adaption of new racing motors, and what to do with the old. The next is implimentation of rules concerning boat design, motor design, or restictions for safety or parity. One dumd question, is the by law you quoted part of the original charter or was it added later?

            Thanks again, I try to keep facts straight. My whole point was keeping ourselves focused on what we really can do, and then, how do we do it.

            Don't know the history of the current ByLaw language ... may have been redacted from previous versions.

            You are right about giving the leaders a clear path. I think that what Ed is trying to do with an entire forum dedicated to Stock Outboard Racing issues. He seems to want to get some degree of consensus from the SO members. So, after much discussion where are we?

            Last week Dan Lawrence initiated a thread "Ed Hearn Listen Up!" in which he posed the question to Ed about leading APBA and Stock Outboard Racing to the next level ... my response was to ask what is the next level? Until the general SO membership reaches some degree of consensus as to the important initiatives to be addressed then the "leaders" will most certainly be successful because wherever they lead us will be the right direction. It's the old adage about getting on your horses and riding off in all directions.

            There does, however, seem to be a theme of sorts emerging from recent postings and comments. It is, does the USTS have a viable formula that if expanded to Stock Outboard Racing would have the effect of promoting growth ... an objective which is consistent with the stated purpose of the APBA and, generally speaking seems to likewise be consistent with many HydroRacer comments.

            Even as I write this Bill Pavlick (who's opinions I most often respect) is challenging the idea of a Title Series format for stock outboard racing as not being in the best interest of the sport. Here I disagree. A title series approach does not mean that all other regional and local club offerings must follow that format. It simply suggests that if APBA were to use and promote a "Title Series", "Championship Series" format of racing (or whatever label the SORC prefers to use) it might be perceived by the potential "new consumer" as preferable to what most of us have posted about there being too many classes, race schedules that last too long, lack of sponsors, lack of new engines and an overall general consumer malaise about getting involved in kneeldown racing when given a world of other options.

            So, the question becomes one of whether or not promotion by the SORC of a "Series" racing format will be detrimental to sustaining local/regional club racing or a stimulant to overall growth through consistent promotion of the sport on a broader basis. From a West Coast perspective I can think of nothing better for growth and recognition of outboard racing in this part of the country than the opportunity to showcase regionally the sport "big time" one, two, or three times a season leading to an annual Championship "showdown" event. An event that not only allows the opportunity to race for a National Championship in all currently recognized classes but culminates with a "Series Championship" event as well. Just my thoughts!
            Untethered from reality!


            • #7

              I did read the post from Bill Pavlic III, and agreed with him mostly. Yes I can see Ed is looking for direction, there definatly seems to be a consensous on several topics. This formate of instant access nation wide is something that has not been available in the past to help people from across the county in a few days discuss things that untill the nationals or the national meeting sat in limbo for months. It is a wonderfull tool.


