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Lock Haven Fun

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  • Lock Haven Fun

    It's amazing how much fun we actually had without touching the water. But oh no, we still played with boats. Earl's boats.
    Attached Files

  • #2

    Who is this guy? Just shows up in this big black truck...
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Originally posted by Justice
      It's amazing how much fun we actually had without touching the water. But oh no, we still played with boats. Earl's boats.
      Great shots
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      • #4
        that's a unique way to square up the bottom on a boat


        • #5

          after draggin that boat thru the parkin lot i dont know how many times the bottom was in ok condition flatest runabout ride then they put it over the dam
          Johnny Wlodarski III


          • #6
            Here's a couple of shots of it going over the dam. Can you believe people bet money on this?

            ...crazy boatracers.
            Attached Files
            The Runne's: Born with plastic sporks in their mouths.


            • #7

              hey allie nice pics cya in whitney point
              Johnny Wlodarski III


              • #8
                Lock Haven race committee/Jay-cees/Fire dept,Etc,
                Even though the Green-Flag never happened on the race course, that never keeps it from happening in the pits at Lock Haven.........
                Always a good time just hang'n out........THANK YOU -ALL- FOR YOUR EFFORTS!!!!!!!!!!

                Just wish I could of donated more (1/3) of my entry fees..........I don't know if all realise the cost to put on an event..............even if it happens or not---ambulance,dive team, GAS, sanction, etc.etc......

                Friday was worth the whole weekend to me...........once I allowed for the river current speed---course speeds were-----
                Feel'n the Altralite "lift" mid-corner with 302 restricted...........
                Seeing Alan "Hot-lap" the former John Reed DMH rig as a first-time "ROOKIE"------very cool!
                Sharing a toast to John's memory with Archie, Alan, Charlie fry, Phil Zigg......

                Sunday driver's meeting will have to go down in the record books!!-------seeing the look on Mr. Lyon's face on their wedding gift-------"I can't stop shake'n..."-------PRICELESS!!!!!!!!
                Especiallly the future Mrs. Lyons comment---"If He bought this rig without me knowing....we have issues.."

                Class act-------Bennett Race Boats/Davids Racing and all that contributed to wish the newlyweds .....congrats.......!

                Ok,---What was the deal on the THONGS????----(missed the punch line.........)

                Seeing the new HOT-ROD stretch it's wings.............

                19P ..."I'll be BAAAACK....."-----Terminater .......
                Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 09-06-2006, 05:11 PM.
                100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

                SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


                • #9
                  [QUOTE=STEVE FRENCH]Ok,---What was the deal on the THONGS????----(missed the punch line.........) QUOTE]

                  At the Nationals, Captain America stated he was going to get a sex change. Dave thought thongs would be fitting for him, especially red, white and blue ones!

                  Lock Haven 2006 Flip Cup Champ
                  "I don't want to just live life, I want to live an extraordinary life." - Kevin Ladd


                  • #10

                    Thanks for your comments. We (The Jaycees) had the community's effort in doing anything at all to get you guys on the water this year. The ambulance service, gas stations, City Council, County Commissioners and our state rep were pulling any strings they could to get you guys on the water.
                    Just to let you know, our local newspaper (disclaimer: of which I am the community editor) has run a poll for the last four or five years and the Jaycees Regatta has won the best event hands down every time.
                    I can't relay enough how much the community loves having you guys in, and I hope that shows with any interaction you have with the public here.
                    Mother Nature kicked us in the butt this year, but it looks like you guys had fun (save Friday night's fiasco when I had to talk to our local cop/sheriff's deputy to make sure he didn't tell everyone they had to leave the pits area immediately) and we really look forward to next year.

                    Scott Johnson
                    Lock Haven Area Jaycees


                    • #11
                      I could understand the Deputy's concern after he pointed out that he witnessed the water at near roof level on the bath rooms during the last flood a few years ago..................

                      Made several checks at boat ramp during the nite----(I was not alone )

                      We took route 120 North to Emporium on way back to camp/test at Kinzua/High Banks. West branch of river and falling shale across road was impressive.
                      Saw where a vehicle managed to punch threw guard rail just moments ahead of us.............

                      Ny State Police and Sherriffs searched motorhome once we reached Senaca Nation Territory. They were as pollite as possible concidering they lost one Trooper and another is crittical after ambush near home of girlfriend of "Buckie" Phillips a few days before......(didn't see any ."Go-Buckie-GO" T-shirts for sale this time at Reservation smoke shops when we gassed up ...........$2.59 gal.....)

                      Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 09-06-2006, 05:02 PM.
                      100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

                      SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>

