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Oshkosh ASR Crash

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  • Oshkosh ASR Crash

    True to its nick-name, the Bristol of Outboard racing, Oshkosh had a lot of bumping and "rubbing" going on during the weekend. On Sunday, the second heat of ASR had "the big one" in the first turn. In two separate incidences, Erik Kozuszek spun and flipped with Andy Hansen ramping Erik's boat. Also, Jennifer Pryzbyla flipped right in front of Gene Schertz who could not avoid running into her.

    Jennifer got the worst of this incident with a severely lacerated foot. Apparently she underwent surgery on Sunday and one of her toes was removed. They are dumping her full of antibiotics due to the fact that the cuts were large and filled with lake water.

    Everyone keep Jennifer and her husband in mind this week. She'll be there for a few more days and I'm quite sure the recovery will be painful. Ed.

    "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.

  • #2
    Jennifer P.

    We wish you a vary speedy recovery.

    When the green flag drops, the bull**** stops!!!!!!!!!!!
    Keep'em Sunny Side Up Boy's!



    • #3
      Oh how awful! Hope Jennifer gets well soon. Thoughts and prayers are with her.


      • #4
        Nifer ...

        Bullet and I are praying for a Speedy Recovery for our injured
        Red Head Racing Team member !
        Hang in there, RED !


        • #5
          Niffer 'll be fine

          I'm quite sure Jennifer will make a good recovery. As her A Runabout was being pulled in from the course, she was already on shore being attended to by the paramedics. It appeared to me she was much more concerned about the ASR than the foot: a true boat racer at heart. Recover quickly, dear. That green blurr out of the corner of my right eye will not soon be forgotten. Eddie.

          "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


          • #6
            I wish you a speedy recovery. I'm sure you'll be ready to roar again next season.


            • #7
              Here's to a speedy recovery Niffer, and at the next race your beers on me!
              Gene Schertz 26V
              TEAM CAFFEINE
              Cranked up and ready to Roll
              Reeds for Speed!


              • #8
                I sure hope your going to still come to Grass Lake and watch. I will take care of you and that wounded foot of yours. Hope your feeling better. MSRP Racing is praying for you to get better. Let us know how you are feeling when your up to it. If you need anything just holler. Mikey
                mike ross


                • #9
                  Karen and I are praying for a fast recovery for you Nifer
                  BTW will someone either PM or email me Nifer's mailing address? thanks


                  • #10
                    get well soon

                    jen if you need anything let us know . hope you get up n at em again soon . wishing you a speedy recovery from the griffin family. btw alyssa will probably call you in a few days .
                    Jeff Griffin
                    44V DMH


                    • #11
                      Joey Z told me after the accident that that was the first time in 9 yrs of racing at Oshkosh that the ambulance had to leave.
                      So, Jennifer you may not have finished the race but you are first at something else!
                      Once again the amazing boatracers come to the aid.......
                      The Burdick's get my kudos for the fastest rescue I have ever seen! They arrived at the dock so fast that we hardly had time to get the spectators out of the way and the ambulance readied!
                      Actually I thought they were coming for a medic, when I noticed Jennifer sitting in the boat. You two did a heck of a job!
                      Did you notice that before the ambulance left another one was waiting right behind it to take over????
                      Heck of a job race committee!
                      Get well soon Jennifer!!!


                      • #12

                        hope to see ya soon. Let me kno if you need anythin' Alyssa 16-V


                        • #13

                          Speedy recovery to you....2007 will be a fresh start.



                          • #14
                            Jennifer update

                            First I would like to thank everyone for coming to the Oshkosh race. Alot of work dragging for weeds rewarded with alot of smiles. Lets hope for a cold winter to kill the weeds.
                            Jennifer is in good spirit. She will be in the hospital a better part of this week. The bottom of her left foot was cut bad. They are cleaning it out once a day before they sew it for good to fight any infection. That is the hard part for her. I took Roger and her husband Charlie for lunch today to Cranky Pats pizza. They made Jenn a small pizza for us. If anyone would like to call her, I'm sure you will put a smile on her face. She likes to smile as we know. She is at Theda Clark hospital in Neenah, Wi. 920-729-2503. See you all at the Grass Shack. Joe Z.


                            • #15
                              Thanks for the update Joe

