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Barrett Kicked Out Of APBA??

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  • Barrett Kicked Out Of APBA??

    Dear Joe, Kevin & Anyother Masterminds,

    It has come to my attention from a reliable source that there has been a movement to kick me out of APBA for something that they have NO evidence or proof.

    Apparently Joe and Kevin are trying to get even with me for pointing out something that I can't prove but suspect. They are doing this to get even.

    I before even knowing anything about this I might add sent Kevin & Joe an email tonight telling them that although I might have taken things to far as the Runne's pointed out (who I respect) BOATRACERS NEED TO STICK TOGETHER.THIS IS A FUN SPORT. My point is the fun is taken out if someone is beating the rules or if there is a rule that isn't as rock solid as it could be.
    I told them as I had said in my post that I DON'T have anything against them. I don't doubt they WORK THERE BUTTS OFF. I have heard it over and over......I couldn't change the 2006 Nationals if wanted to nor would it affect my life one way or another with my motor trouble I had this year. The point is this....

    I am sorry Kevin & Joe but as I said if I took a humble laid back approach FUEL wouldn't be a topic at the National Meeting. It will now. I joked and maybe took it to far for that I am sorry. We are a small group and need more members not less. I would like that rule change but shouldn't have joked as much as I did. I am man enough to let it go and let the SORC take this issue from here.

    I am not going to stand here and put up with somebody with no evidence, no wittnesses, no proof at all try to get me booted from the sport I love! I haven't said anything up until now because I thought it was funny as can be that Kevin said I was on the FBI watch list and how you guys made such a big deal about it and acted like you were certain it was me! I got a laugh out of it. But.......If you think I am going to lay down and die you are crazy! You think fuel was a fight think about keeping the pressure on to kick me out and see what happens! You will have a fight! You need to let it go! THIS IS TO FAR!! From what I understand NO ONE BROKE INTO YOUR TRAILER!!!! Let it go! I don't expect you to like me. If we could get along it would be great but that is OK if we can't. Two wrongs don't make a right. Maybe what I did was wrong but your quest is equally if not more wrong! Drop it!!! What a major lawsuit it would be if this wasn't dropped and it was pushed through for the APBA. All of boatracing would suffer!! I admit I took it to far you need to do the same and knock this off. Its been over!!!

    Michael Barrett
    Last edited by RacerX; 08-30-2006, 06:13 PM.

  • #2

    ... how your 'facts' continue to be fiction.
    Joe and I have done nothing to get you kicked out of APBA. We don't have time for it. I'm even over hating you.

    It sounds like you have been doing some reflection and are maybe even flirting with morals, Mike. Good to hear. A birthday will do that sometimes.

    I don't think people realize how frustrating it is to work so hard at something to be the best (fastest in this case) and suceed only to be continually criticized and called a cheater - ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE NOT CHEATING !! To be defensive about it is natural. I even had to start hanging up on friends that would call and joke with the words 'cheater' - because they knew how scarcastic this is. We're sick of it...

    I think fuel would've been a topic again this year had RacerX said nothing...

    Happy belated Birthday, Mike-


    • #3

      Then in this case I am wrong and am sorry for pointing my finger at Joe and you. I don't know who made the motion but "assumed" wrong.

      Thanks for being understanding and I do understand how frustrating it must be if you are on the up and up. That is even more reason to figure out a solution to the rule that would leave no question! I am trying to come up with the ultimate answer and am finding out by talking to racers and commisioners that is easier said then done! There are a million objections to what seems to me to be a good idea! No pleasing everyone in this case.....So It is going to end up being a rule that doesn't please everyone IF it is changed.



      • #4

        [this] appology accepted.

        i know several of the downsides to all the fuel proposals - and especially the ones to the current rules. it will be difficult to satisfy 50%. and i don't care what the outcome is. 1. we won't be racing SO in '07, and 2. joe & i will be glad to play by any rules - especially with a year off to test.

        and if you think fuel is F'd up in the SO category, i can tell you it's worse in OPC. how about this: 4 days before the Nationals, the OPC chairman sends out a new circular changing the fuel required to be run. not only does that waste time and $ for the drivers, but they will have NO idea how the new required fuel will run, start, etc. it's not commercially available in less than 10 days. oh well, it's only the NATIONALS !!

        i hope SO never makes this mistake!!
        Last edited by race4kaos; 08-31-2006, 06:34 AM.


        • #5
          I for one don’t need the SO committee wasting their limited time and resources on a perceived fuel issue (yes I know it is important however I often question our priorities). As a category we have bigger issues. Why don’t we start with things such as class consolidation, production available motors and regional membership growth.

          Just a thought

          T. Gladkowski
          Last edited by 14J; 08-31-2006, 07:00 AM.


          • #6
            Nice to see you guys so warm and fuzzy. It sends chills up and down my spine! Hopefully both of you can contribute to solutions in the future. Troy, you are correct about the many issues before us. In the next few weeks we will begin building an agenda for our national meeting. We all must also carefully consider who our representatives will be. Many of you young guys should get more involved with the future of the sport that we all enjoy so much. There is too much knowlege and too many good ideas to waste. At the very least, work within your region to grow the sport. More races =More drivers. If we each do our part to improve our local races, growth WILL happen. See you at Lock Haven (without Ryan). John 2-Z
            John Runne

            Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

            True parity is one motor per class.

            It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

            NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


            • #7
              Here's a idea ... lets all get together over a keg of beer ... well in Hollywoods case Wine... and throw that stuid a.. gas meter in the river. All it's caused is pain and suffering.



              • #8

                You think that just because we live in CA. we can't gather around a keg?


                [QUOTE=Jerry Davids]Here's a idea ... lets all get together over a keg of beer ... well in Hollywoods case Wine... and throw that stuid a.. gas meter in the river. All it's caused is pain and suffering.


                • #9
                  [QUOTE=Joe J]Jerry:

                  You think that just because we live in CA. we can't gather around a keg?


                  Originally posted by Jerry Davids
                  Here's a idea ... lets all get together over a keg of beer ... well in Hollywoods case Wine... and throw that stuid a.. gas meter in the river. All it's caused is pain and suffering.


                  I think he was refering to me and the "Hollywood Race Team".

                  Come on Jerry it's champaign. Oh and if your bored I'll send up another powerhead.


                  • #10
                    Joe, sorry about that. I know all to well you left coast racers know how to "GET ER DONE". And yes Troy I am bored.


                    • #11
                      [QUOTE=Joe J]Jerry:

                      You think that just because we live in CA. we can't gather around a keg?


                      Originally posted by Jerry Davids
                      Here's a idea ... lets all get together over a keg of beer ... well in Hollywoods case Wine... and throw that stuid a.. gas meter in the river. All it's caused is pain and suffering.

                      shut we get more then a keg. what do want some corn whiskey to.i can make some for jerry. dont you dog cali as for you know who helps you. jerry you know what team i support.lol

                      RICHARD J BIRD

                      RICHARD J BIRD
                      THE PROP SHOP RACING TEAM
                      MOST MODS AND SOME STOCKS



                      • #12
                        Ya buddy

                        and throw that stupid a.. gas meter in the river. All it's caused is pain and suffering.
                        Yes !!!! Alcohol and 20% Nitro for all stock class motors from now on.

                        That will put everone on an even playing field. And we won't have to pay all that extra $ for blue printing.
                        Tom L.


                        • #13
                          Second That..

                          Originally posted by Jerry Davids
                          Here's a idea ... lets all get together over a keg of beer ... well in Hollywoods case Wine... and throw that stuid a.. gas meter in the river. All it's caused is pain and suffering.


                          Dad and I second that motion !! Toss it in the river !!
                          Dave Mason
                          Just A Boat Racer


                          • #14
                            There is a reason why we test fuel, we just have to work a little harder on the rules. John 2-Z
                            John Runne

                            Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                            True parity is one motor per class.

                            It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                            NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.

