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Alexandria, KY "Northern Kentucky Outboard Challenge"

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  • Alexandria, KY "Northern Kentucky Outboard Challenge"

    With beautiful weather backing TRORA for the return to AJ Jolly Lake in Alexandria, KY, we were able to turn a small race into a blast for every lucky person who attended. A lot of racing action and Saturday night fun made the comeback of The Northern Kentucky Outboard challenge (?), clever name. Special Thanks to Bob "Ponch" Trolian for all he put together for this race. And everyone who came and helped keep the race moving. That includes anyone who worked on a patrol boat or on the judges stand.
    I'll be posting some of the photos from the race over the next couple days.

  • #2
    Dylan: Nice starts! Ed.

    "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


    • #3
      Club races

      Originally posted by Justice
      With beautiful weather backing TRORA for the return to AJ Jolly Lake in Alexandria, KY, we were able to turn a small race into a blast for every lucky person who attended. A lot of racing action and Saturday night fun made the comeback of The Northern Kentucky Outboard challenge (?), clever name. Special Thanks to Bob "Ponch" Trolian for all he put together for this race. And everyone who came and helped keep the race moving. That includes anyone who worked on a patrol boat or on the judges stand.
      I'll be posting some of the photos from the race over the next couple days.

      Funny, I was about to post the same thing about Beloit. Small race but great weather, good racing, dinner in the pits Saturday and great cooperation from all involved. Pits cleared by 6:30 Sunday. Fun weekend and another front runner for the coveted Dim Bulb award, but we'll let Kurt Nydahl explain that one

      Bill III
      Support your local club and local races.

      Bill Pavlick

      I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII


      • #4
        Kudos to all

        As Race Director, I want to give Big props to all that attended. Even with a fairly small amount of drivers and crew, we filled the patrol boats and judge's stand sheet rather easily. Turnboat changes were about as fast as I've ever been a part of.

        Thanks to the Brewsters, Rice's, Chuck Young and of course the Trolian's for their efforts.

        We ran 34 heats each day...with 8 classes getting a 3rd race over the two days. We started at 10:30a both days...finishing at 5 Saturday and 4:30 Sunday. About 180 entries total for 2 days.

        We're eager to return in 2007. Could use about 5-6 more trailers. Spread the word for next year. You can't miss this site and the dinner party at Trolians!



        • #5
          Let me add my thanks to TRORA and especially the Trolians and Dana Holt for putting on a great race. We had a great weekend pitted between Jack Stotts and the Jeff Brewster family.
          I have to tell you about the funniest thing that happened to us at the races. As many of you know, A J Jolly lake borders on a golf course. On Sunday Bob Schmidt and I were the turn judges in turn #2 near the 18th fairway. Second heat of BSR, we had just thrown the white flag when out of the corner of my eye I see this white/gold runabout pointed right at us in the turn boat. "Jeez, does he see us?" Keep in mind the white flag is already out....all of a sudden the boat looks like it is falling off plane and I see that the driver, Rob Zilka is holding something in his wheel hand. He buzzes by and pitches us a graphite golf club. Perhaps one of the golfers threw it at Rob as he motored along 25 feet from the cart path? Or maybe he just found it in the lake? At any rate I'm anxious to find out how he got it in the boat while milling? Rob spun his boat around whizzed back out around the 1000' bouy and started the race! What a hoot !
          We had a great time and look forward to next year. Mike Marshall, Raceboat61-S


          • #6
            I also had a great time at Alex. Eric Vanover and Dick Willard just could not keep those Ds from mating. Both did a great job in preventing a serious outcome. Great people to race with this weekend and the food was excellant!
            Thanks to all that made it happen.


            • #7
              Golf Club

              As Rob milled around by the golf course one of the golfers threw the club at him. He quickly reached out and caught it in mid-air to avoid any potential danger to the other boats that would be milling in that area. He then rode by the turn boat and threw them the club. By the way, there was a ball there too but he missed it... He thinks it was a Titleist


              • #8
                Alexandria, Ky Race Results


                The following race results were provided by Jennifer Rice, TRORA 2006 Chief Scorer: Special thanks to her, Saturday's race results were not available yet but will be shortly! Remember, these results are pending Jen's review before being submitted to APBA...

                SUNDAY, AUGUST 20, 2006

                JH - 1. Stephen McCourtie 1-M 2. Joel Kiddy X 3. Justin Brewster 58-S
                BSR - 1. Ed Hearn 14-H 2. Dana Holt 3-S 3. Paul Trolian 152-M
                CMH - 1. Jack "Texas" Stotts 3-T 2. Tom Rice 16-P 3. Eric VanOver 18-H
                20ssH - 1. Dana Holt 3-S 2. Brian Trolian 15-M 3. Mark Miskerik 25-M
                AXSR - 1. Stephen McCourtie 42-M 2. Merissa Langlois 312-J 3. Erik
                Kozuszek 14-H
                CSH - 1. Tom Johnston 15-M 2. Mark Miskerik 23-N 3. Joe Silvestri 36-S
                25ssH - 1. Jeff Brewster 59-S 2. Bob Schmidt 9-W 3. Mike Marshall 61-S
                ASH - 1. Ed Harrington 1-V 2. Earl Desiato 11-J 3. Dylan Justice 41-S
                JR - 1. Stephen McCourtie 42-M 2. Loretta Langlois 410-J 3. Justin
                Brewster 58-S
                DMH - Dick Willard 121-S 2. Eric VanOver 1-S 3. Steve Dunn 10-Z
                25MH - 1. Bob Schmidt 390-S 2. Mike Marshall 61-S 3. Gene Noonan 50-S
                ASR - 1. Earl Desiato 11-J 2. Brian Trolian 473-M 3. Erik Kozuszek 14-H
                AXSH - 1. Dylan Justice 41-S 2. Justin Brewster 58-S 3. Adam Kozuszek 66-H

                THIRD DAY OF RACING IN TWO DAYS - RESULTS (TOP 8 CLASSES) -- (raced over both Saturday and Sunday)

                AXSH - 1. Dylan Justice 41-S 2. Adam Kozuszek 66-H 3. Justin Brewster 58-S
                JH - 1. Stephen McCourtie 1-M 2. Jonathan Brewster 1-S 3. Loretta Langlois 410-J
                20ssH - 1. Brian Trolian 15-M 2. Nate Forshey 99-S 3. Mark Miskerik 25-M
                DMH - 1. Steve Dunn 10-Z 2. Shawn Brill 27-S
                AXSR - 1. Erik Kozuszek 14-H 2. Justin Brewster 58-S 3. Stephen McCourtie 42-M
                ASH - 1. Ed Harrington 1-V 2. Dylan Justice 41-S 3. Nate Forshey 99-S
                JR - 1. Stephen McCourtie 42-M 2. Justin Brewster 58-S 3. Loretta Langlois 410-J
                BSR - 1. Ed Hearn 14-H 2. Erik Kozuszek 20-H

                Special congratulations to little Loretta Langlois on her accomplishments on the race course at Alexandria. People couldn't stop talking about her rolling up her J Runabout in the turns...awesome job Loretta...you've got the boys worried!!

                Happy Birthday last Saturday August 19th to Linda Trolian and especially a big thank you for feeding the entire pits Saturday night at your beautiful home...also thanks to Bob for putting up with all of us! Everyone had a super time, the food was spectacular and everyone had a wonderful time!

                Thanks goes out to Jack Brewster for his continued, fine Chief Refereeing; Dana Holt and Bob Trolian for their superb Race Directoring, Tom Rice for nice clean inspecting, Chuck Young for assisting Tom, Risk Managing by Nate Forshey, and to Jennifer Rice for the toughest job in the pits - Chief Scoring (her job continues after she goes home). The new clock set-up and tear-down crew managed by veteran Carl Holt found a new education on the stand. Without all these fine people no one would be on the water, be sure to say thank you after the races to your workers...it does get noticed!!

                Saturday results will be posted as soon as they are received. Thanks again to Jennifer Rice of Oil City, PA and to her family for putting up with all of us taking her away from them. She does love with she is doing for TRORA and all boat racers. The biggest question of the weekend --- "Where is Jerry Brewster??"


                • #9
                  Nice job TRORA!

                  Like Dana said a relatively small turnout, but great support from all who attended. I can't remeber being done that early on a Sunday in a long time. This is truly a great site and not too far off the highway, so let's help these guys out next year a get a few more IN, MI and PA trailers to Alexandria in '07.

                  A special thank you to Bob and Linda Trolian for inviting the whole racing family in attendance to there house for some great eats (Prepared by Linda of course). It should also be noted that in addition to all the great race day support that BOTH Jack and Joan Brewster refereed all day, each day. These are two long-standing icons in TRORA and the midwest. Thanks for all you two do to let us keep racing our boats.

                  See you in 2007!



                  • #10
                    Saturday Race Results???

                    Thanks Mark...see you at Grass Lake in September.

                    Race results for Alexandria, KY for last Saturday have not been received yet, sure Jennifer is hard at work on them though...should hear ASAP. Hang in there all. JLB


                    • #12
                      Alexandria, KY pics

                      Hello Dylan, thanks - pics are ready good, feel like you could get right in the cockpit. The Brewsters


                      • #13
                        Kentucky, huh?

                        Sounds like a great time. Put me down for a pit spot in '07... How far from Ponch's place?
                        Future J dad!


                        • #14
                          Approximately 10-15 minutes away - all the pasta you can eat!!!!


                          • #15
                            More have come

                            More pictures from Alex.
                            Attached Files

